Sentences with phrase «power something holds»

As a health coach, I love helping people learn to help themselves, and to realize the amazing power they hold over their own health.
In one 45 - minute session you see people go from having little or no interest in politics to understanding how much power they hold.
You may assume that because of this lofty position of power they hold in the industry, AMC might want to set a good example by exhibiting movies in the best possible quality in an attempt to lure more customers; after all, attendance is declining and while theaters make the majority of their money in concessions, humans are still a necessary component of their business model.
Republicans in New York have said their focus in 2018 is on defeating Gov. Andrew Cuomo and holding their majority in the state Senate — the last level of statewide power they hold.
We're certainly not negating the benefits of chocolate, which would be a total shame, but it's time to give vanilla bean a little more attention and appreciation for all the nutritional secrets and majestic powers it holds.
But when the parents of Susannah's baby discover her whereabouts, she can no longer ignore the profound power she holds over their lives.
Despite the narrow majority won by the GOP last November, Skelos has allowed Klein to remain a player in the talks — though it's unclear how much power he holds.
Jesus pushes the disciples to think, to listen and to be accountable to others for the power they hold.
The Son did not look at this reality — neither at the power he held nor at the wretched condition he was assuming.
They are good people and have the same respect for the power they hold.
Commentators looked at the power she held over her audience, and some people even likened her viewers to members of a cult.
Take the power away from the Mike Dean's of this world who seem to relish the power they hold.
This proven 7 - step process literally helps make conscious all of the unconscious ways that have been sabotaging love and preventing it from taking root in people's lives and awakens them to the power they hold to create a happier, healthier experience of love moving forward.
Long Island occupies some political importance for Republicans, given the power they held with the original «Long Island 9» bloc of GOP lawmakers, which was upended when Democratic Sen. Todd Kaminsky won the special election to fill the seat formerly held by Dean Skelos, the majority leader ousted after a corruption charge he is appealing.
The conference is trying to claw its way into the majority after losing the power they held for two, largely hapless, years.
Instead, it's removing the power they hold over you.
Challenge these conceptions and they'll eventually lose the power they held when previously unchecked.
As he hazes wannabe drum - phenom Andrew Neyman (Miles Teller), Simmons's Fletcher is well aware of the power he holds over his students, and his pedagogical methods are perverse at best.
He is shown a glimpse of the powers they hold, and realms they protect, and he chooses to stay under their tutelage but still doesn't seem to fully grasp what they do and what he will be doing is way beyond just healing his hands.
Marvel's «Guardians of the Galaxy» finds space adventurer Peter Quill the object of a bounty hunt after stealing an orb coveted by a treacherous villain, but when Quill discovers the power it holds, he must find a way to rally the quartet of ragtag rivals hot on his trail to save the universe.
Becoming aware of her own image and of the power it holds over the invisible crowd, she finds herself hypnotised by her own beauty, a sensation that actual models soon learn not to let spill out from the catwalk into «real» life.
The biggest misconception about urban schools is to solely regard these youth as «at risk,» instead of as youth who bring a multitude of strengths to the school community including leadership capacity that we as educators can help unleash if we are willing to share the power we hold.
When you understand the value of having the most professional assistance in your corner, you will understand the power you hold — not only will you be getting the best service possible, but you will also be developing future skills that will bolster and enhance your career.
I've always loved the ocean, but to truly realize the power it holds as I was repeatedly clobbered by the whitewash was a humbling experience.
But sometimes people need a little reminding of the power they hold in their wallets, especially if you've been considering «upgrading» your card to one of the new replacements.
Her depiction of the Mona Lisa is as reminiscent of the Shroud of Turin and the power it holds over its adherents as the Mona Lisa itself holds sway over us as «the greatest painting ever» and the most enigmatic female ever recorded in history.
He explores the reasons that bring small or large number of individuals together as well as the capabilities, experiences, characteristics and power they hold.
These are paintings about the female gaze and the power it holds.
Eventually, they'll fully appreciate the power they hold and the options at their disposal, and they'll start to navigate among those options with ever - greater confidence and discernment.
Apple did, however, make the notch mainstream thanks to the power it holds when it comes to setting the trends, and it also managed to make the notch worthwhile with the Face ID technology.
Design TL; DR: The soundbar is a thing of robust beauty considering how many speakers and how much power it holds.
«When life brings us challenges that are hard to understand, we lose sight of the power we hold within.
I believe in what I do and the power we all hold within ourselves to make the necessary changes in creating a healthier, happier, more fulfilling lifestyle.
It will take courage from journalists and media organisations to realise the power they hold in influencing policy, and to use this responsibly.
She must realize the power she holds in how she chooses to turn towards his desire for connection.
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