Sentences with phrase «power stance»

Learn how to adopt a high power stance to project an image of confidence.
From the power stance position swing the kettlebell back between your legs and then forward as you powerfully snap your hips and contract your glutes and quads.
The main starting position for most kettlebell exercises is the «power stance», and you'll need to be confident with this before beginning your kettlebell routine.
Practice your power stance in the bathroom, in front of a mirror - stand with your hands on your hips, your chest lifting, your head up - or find what feels and looks right for you!
This is my power stance I like being up high looking out — it gives me perspective and makes me feel like I'm part of the world.
When you take a power stance (i.e. a stance a powerful person would take) and hold it over a certain period of time, your body starts to release anabolic hormones (like testosterone in men) that make you feel more powerful, confident and assertive.
The education I learned in the birth course helped me to know it was time and that being on all fours was going to be my power stance - and it was!
Do you need to take a power stance and initiate more sex in your relationship?
I'm not talking about just picking up a good, stretchy pair of black skinny jeans and practicing your power stance in the mirror... I'm talking about the videos.
In a TED talk, social psychologist Amy Cuddy advises standing tall and open in times of stress, as such «power stances» can raise levels of testosterone and cortisol, boosting confidence and quelling nerves.2
In a TED talk, social psychologist Amy Cuddy advises standing tall and open in times of stress, as such «power stances» can raise levels of testosterone and cortisol, thus boosting confidence.2
During a performance of «Partyup,» he sang the exact lyric from his song, «Fightin» war is such a f — in» bore,» spitting out the lyric before sliding into a power stance split.
You say that the Axe and the Scythe is stupidly strong and extremely weak well that's because in Heavenly Sword the stances you are put in is basically the same where The Slow / power stance (R1) is changed into the Demon Stance (Press and Hold in R2 in DmC) = Heavenly Sword elements and The Speed stance (L1) changed into the Angel Stance (Press and Hold L2 in DmC) = Heavenly Sword elements.
Kauper also forgoes the elegant contrapposto - a demure pose that invites the «male gaze» and that might have suggested trophies mounted on a wall — for a power stance, arms free to contend, spread feet solidly planted.
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