Sentences with phrase «power surges require»

The ZF eight - speed automatic shifts smoothly, but sudden power surges require a kickdown that causes unseemly weight transfers.

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· Some utility companies penalize customers for using inefficient machinery that requires a surge of power at start - up.
Power that flows both to and from homes with solar panels, and that dips and surges depending on cloud cover and wind speed, requires a more flexible system.
Fair warning: The magnetic field required by each coil to bend the beam would be so huge that the surge of power through it might melt the coil, making it usable only once.
Some storm - surge models resolve time in increments as short as 3 seconds, but doing so requires computing power that exceeds even that available in W&M's SciClone Computing Complex.
5/10/2018 Solar power companies surged Thursday, a day after California became the first state in the U.S. to require solar panels...
On top of bringing heavy rainfall and storm surges, the intensity of these recent tempests goes so far beyond what was previously thought to be the peak range of cyclone power that the researchers argued that they require a new level, a category 6, on a widely used rating scale for hurricanes and typhoons.
The group's proposal would allow existing power plants to maintain and even replace their equipment, and would allow providers to purchase extra power from any source on the national grid for emergencies and unexpected surges, but it would require that any permanent increase in capacity come from clean sources like wind and solar.
The nature of the wind subsidy is such that it has required the main operator of Illinois» nuclear power plants to pay for the power surges created by wind turbines.
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