Sentences with phrase «powerful analysis»

The integration of powerful analysis tools is the first step towards making binary options a product that is supported by regulators.
I found in him one who did dispute the nature of reality with modernity in rich detail and with powerful analysis.
Work - flows can be optimized with additional 3D visualization and powerful analysis options.
The paper is quite sophisticated, and performs several powerful analyses.
Your case or topic can be further divided into claims, questions of law, or subtopics for powerful analysis, flexible organization, and easy access.
Now powerful analysis tools will at last help software engineers ensure the reliability of their designs
«Because the data sample was so large, it forced us to use statistically powerful analysis that could, in turn, measure properties in an unambiguous manner.
Other renowned authors have drawn together powerful analyses of these issues, with key examples being David Korten (The Great Turning), David Selby (Education and Climate Change), Basarab Nicolescu (From Modernity to Cosmodernity), Duane Elgin (Deep Big History essay), Peter Senge (The Fifth Discipline), and Margaret Wheatley (Leadership and the New Science, to name a few.
This does not make the Bible irrelevant, for what may be most relevant is not a Bible verse about womanhood or divorce but Paul's powerful analysis of the self in conflict as found in Romans 7.
In these situations it is a powerful analysis tool.
This book is a powerful analysis of how...
This powerful analysis could be worth a lot to you.
But I took it back to my carrel and began to read, and was absolutely stunned by Yoder's powerful analysis and critique of Barth.
Rubin has written a powerful analysis of the peculiar and dangerous threat to democratic liberties posed by environmentalism.
Visions of Order, precisely because it relentlessly drives to the heart of things, remains a powerful analysis by a serious conservative thinker.
He gives a powerful analysis of what some have called the «two spheres» of American life: the state is sovereign in the public sphere but allows for «freedom» in the private sphere.
In order to track the movements of biological particles in a cell, scientists at Heidelberg University and the German Cancer Research Center have developed a powerful analysis method for live cell microscopy images.
Growth Mindset: Building Personality and Character: A Powerful Analysis to Help You On the Road to Transforming Your Social Life
The great author Michael Crichton made a powerful analysis of the unfounded hysteria behind the man - made global warming frenzy on video before his untimely death from cancer in 2008.
This is indeed a powerful analysis.
Thanks for this powerful analysis.
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