Sentences with phrase «powerful channel»

On one side, it's a remarkably powerful channel for marketing your firm and its services.
Today, the internet is an undoubtedly more powerful channel than the phone book, but it's also more complicated.
«Faces are powerful channels of non-verbal communication.
5 Email Campaign Ideas to Help Increase Conversion Rates [Infographic] HubSpot reports: «Why is email is the most powerful channel for lead nurturing?
Social data should be used beyond the marketing department; buyers and designers should understand what people are saying — it's an incredibly powerful channel.
The actual beach here is quite small compared to some of the above - mentioned beaches, but the surf is impressive with a very powerful channel emptying the lagoons to the east and west from here.
The strategy was implemented as a quick way to reach a mass market across several powerful channels and to showcase that the island is back to business as usual, following the news of Hurricane Irma earlier this year.
Kraus further notes that speech is a «particularly powerful channel for perceiving the emotions of others.»
«Every blog on our network is a powerful platform to share expertise — but all of them together, on a popular service like Fastcase, creates an even more powerful channel for law firms.»
The Internet is already a powerful channel for commerce and communication.
For most business operating online, email is a powerful channel for nurturing leads through the sales funnel to eventually convert -LSB-...]
But too many ecommerce businesses have a poorly thought out email marketing strategy and struggle to generate revenue from this powerful channel.
The powerful channels of individual responsibility are weakened when people are forced to «save» out of current income — through payroll taxes — but leave it to legislators with very short - term horizons to make decisions about retirement fund money.
But for campaigns of any size, it's a powerful channel for distributing the campaign's message in the form of sharable content and a good way to keep supporters involved day to day.
Virtual reality and augmented reality could certainly become a powerful channel for brand - consumer interactions, much like mobile and social are today.
Ailes ran Fox News and helped launch the careers of Kelly, Sean Hannity and Gretchen Carlson with his powerful channel along with being a prominent figure in Republican circles.
A recent client site had a poster on a wall that defined strength as «The process of directing one's scattered forces into one powerful channel
It depends more than any of that on the public — the animal - loving consumer — and what better way to mobilize the consumer than through the powerful channels of a public - facing business such as Zappos.
Pinterest is not a social network, but it mimics one in many ways (which may scratch that little red notification itch for you), and it can be a powerful channel for selling your artwork.
For attorneys, that means appealing to consumers through a powerful channel — the threat of loss.
Of course, a resume is a powerful channel to convey your achievements in the most favorable light.
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