Sentences with phrase «powerful emotion of fear»

Baseload power (i.e. coal and nuclear) interests that are being edged out by more competitive natural gas power generators are increasingly relying on the powerful emotion of fear to draw policymaker support for their struggling assets.
Conversely, making an emotional decision to exit a falling trade before hitting its actual stop price (as discussed in yesterday's post) is typically result of the powerful emotion of fear.

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Don't you see that children, 4, 5, 6 year olds can come to the same basic belief as you have, and they do not arrive there by using reasoning abilities, but are usually lead there out of fear or love, two very powerful emotions?
Positive emotions are more powerful and more sustainable motivators than fear (of consequences).
The birth of a baby can trigger a jumble of powerful emotions, from excitement and joy to fear and anxiety.
Especially given that the Con Con - Cons have one of the most powerful human emotions on their side: fear of loss.
Co-lead study author Adam Green, PhD, of the Department of Psychology at Georgetown, explains that the amygdala responds to stimuli that are emotionally powerful, especially fear and disgust, which are emotions that often influence decision - making.
One powerful reset takes advantage of the opposite emotion, in this case strategically laughing at their fear.
However, the novel is a powerful picture of the limits of compassion and the knee - jerk nature of emotions: prejudice directed against immigrants and the fear of wolves.
Fear is an extremely powerful emotion, perhaps THEE most powerful of all emotions we experience.
Spiria is the embodiment of the heart and soul and plays an essential role in the world as it is the most powerful force known.However, as powerful as Spiria can be, its force can be disrupted in the face of intense emotions such as anger, hate, fear or even love.
Whenever a game (or a movie or TV show) can elicit that type of emotion — in this case, fear — in such a powerful way, it must be applauded.
Fear of death is a more powerful emotion than love or lust.
Even those of us who deal with change well will struggle with this significantly, fear is a powerful emotion and we must face it to achieve our goal.
My powerful communication strategies and behavioral techniques are used to help you and your partner release negative emotions that may block sexual desire, guilt and fears of intimacy and sexual inhibition.
Anger can be an expression of past pain, an unmet need, a cover - up for a deeper emotion like sadness, fear, or a desire to feel powerful.
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