Sentences with phrase «powerful federal government agency»

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A particularly powerful thread, the importance of the Pentagon as a driver of innovation and market for effective energy technology, emerged in an earlier discussion involving three of the top figures in the federal government focused on advancing energy choices that will work for the long haul — Cathy Zoi, assistant secretary of energy for energy efficiency and renewable energy, Arun Majumdar, director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy, and Jeffrey Marqusee, who runs environmental research and development programs for the Department of Defense.
On this Halloween eve, it is truly frightening to grasp the extent to which America's politicians, policies, laws, regulations, energy, economy, jobs, and future are controlled by a cabal of stealthy billionaires — who receive billions from state and federal government agencies, and use those riches to become even wealthier, more powerful, and more in control of our lives, livelihoods, living standards, and liberties.
Federal agencies go to extreme lengths to keep powerful phone spying gear secret — and new information shows just how the government pressures investigators to keep it under wraps.
I share your astonishment that REM is the only media representative that is taking an interest in what is a matter involving a huge Canadian Industry, that continues to be under what amounts to an assault by one of Canada's most powerful and influential Federal Government Agencies.
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