Sentences with phrase «powerful governments»

The public may not like overly powerful governments, but they like the alternatives even less.
This is why I support conservatives, who favor a smaller, less powerful government.
Like him, I believe that overly powerful governments are a bad thing.
Sorry for the digression — my main point is that even the most powerful governments get bogged down, and can't do nearly what people imagine they can do.
Snowden's reveals throw him into an Enemy of the State - type predicament and the scenarios presented in that 1998 Tony Scott - directed Will Smith action thriller are absolutely within the reach of powerful government agencies.
Because, at some point, it becomes necessary not to «shift away» but to push back against a clique of bullies locked in malign alliance with powerful government agencies and political hacks like Raúl Grijalva.
The book bashes the contractor for operating a revolving door for powerful government officials, hiring them for millions of dollars a year, then allegedly exploiting the connections to win business when they return to the highest echelons of government.
None of today's Christian religions are acceptable to God and will be abolished by powerful governments just as Rome destroyed Jerusalem and what was once God's temple but was ran by thieves calling themselves God's chosen.
Sorry for the digression — my main point is that even the most powerful governments get bogged down, and can't do nearly what people imagine they can do.
If powerful government is the cure for this myth, then we ought to be able to look at the environmental accomplishments of various totalitarian regimes for inspiration.
We will lose all of our freedom of thought, we will be asphyxiating innovation, creativity under powerful governments.
China must do the hard work of shifting wealth from powerful government officials and managers of state - owned enterprises to Chinese households, with consumer spending carrying more of the economic burden.
They claim to want a small, limited government, but at the same time they want to control the moral details of the lives of 300 million people and that requires a big, powerful government looking over everyone's shoulder.
It suggests steps our churches may take to provide alternatives to the increasing centralization of control and ownership and to the politicizing of world media by a few powerful governments and transnational media giants.
Let the all - knowing and all - powerful government do it all so we can sit here and devolve from caring nation to one that expects its butt to be wiped.
«That's right, Englebright, the chairman of the Assembly's powerful Government Operations Committee has done nothing.
In the U.S., powerful government subsidies backed by tax revenues control which crops dominate the world marketplace.
That's why the interest rate on a secured mortgage is a lot lower than the interest rate on an unsecured payday loan, and that's why the interest rate charged by the biggest most powerful government in the world, the United States, is lower than the interest rate charged by a smaller country on the verge of bankruptcy.
In Afghanistan and Iraq, however, the explanation more often lies in the company's relationships with powerful government officials.
Trump, by contrast, harkens back to some of the pre-1920s aspects of Republicanism, particularly its protectionism, anti-internationalism, valorization of the white working class, acceptance of powerful government, and emphasis on social order over individual freedom.
First was the cold - blooded murder of Gloria Okon, an international drug courier, that was working for powerful government officials and men and women in high places and that was about to spill the beans when General Muhammadu Buhari was in power in 1985.
The latest filing in the legal war between the planet's most powerful government and its most valuable company gave one indication of how the high - stakes confrontation could escalate even further.
Fox: I've been debating with this fellow [Nigel] Farage, creator of the Brexit and promoter of the Brexit, about the nation - state, about a powerful government that controls borders but also controls individuals.
In 2005, NDRC, another powerful government department overseeing outward investment, and China Export and Credit Insurance Corporation set up a risk prevention mechanism for key overseas investment projects.
But regulators, led by the powerful government commission overseeing state assets — known as the State - owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, or SASAC — are pushing for changes in the rules to help heavily indebted state companies cut debts.
Powerful governments have always needed this kind of man: the senior administrator, the superior public official who (to reverse the entropy the Irish senator W.B. Yeats feared) makes the center hold and keeps things from falling apart.
ANY large and powerful government is more liable to be more militaristic, that's just how history shows the world works.
In addition to the systemic economic factors behind these figures, Pogge charged that «important supranational arrangements have greatly aggravated inequality and poverty, and are formulated, upheld, enforced, and potentially revised, by the world's most powerful governments
The foundation was required by the State Department to disclose its donations from foreign governments that had not previously written checks or those that «materially» increased their gifts once she assumed her role atop the powerful government agency.
This is a mature, elegant film about international politics, diplomacy (for better or worse), and the machinations of powerful governments and their elected leaders.
Despite public opinion favoring her husband, now a powerful government official, Wagner successfully brings the facts of her miserable marriage out in the open, then sets about to reassemble her own fragmented life.
Things become complicated when Ernesto Martel, her sleazy provider and a powerful government official, discovers the affair.
Beyond that, the film seeks to convey the acrimonious distrust that exists between parochial middle America and the powerful government agencies supposedly acting in the name of liberty and justice for all — both of whom Roy and Alton are desperately trying to evade.
The film depicts a totalitarian future in which the all - powerful government of Panem (in what was once the United States) demands an annual «tribute» of two youths from each of its 12 districts to fight to the death in a televised event known as the Hunger Games.
Similarly, charter management organizations and their powerful government affairs offices would be just as likely to lobby for more flexible and generous authorization allowances to charter schools.
BES12, the leading Enterprise Mobility Management platform used by the world's most powerful governments and corporations.
The Cyber Edge offers insights and analysis into the world of cybersecurity, from user best practices all the way up to the challenges facing the world's most powerful governments.
The powerful government collection tools may put you in a terrible trap, especially if you are trying to go back to school.
«At the same time, what an outrage that the cause of this travesty is a powerful government agency which has not only defied the community's will, but repeatedly and boldly lied to its face.»
The book's frightening conception, of an omnipresent, all - powerful government that is able to control people's actions and even thoughts, has since been summarized by the well - known phrase «Big Brother is Watching You.»
Many transnational corporations, and the powerful governments with which they are aligned, have argued that such laws interfere with the rights of business and create uncertainty for investors.Through international agreements such as the bilateral investment agreements, they seek binding, enforceable rights (but no responsibilities), and an end to government regulation of investment.
It's bullish because if a powerful government like China feels the need to ban major trading, then it's a good indicator that the technology works and that it does what it's supposed to.
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