Sentences with phrase «powerful interests»

We know that teacher unions are among the most powerful interest groups in state politics, and we know that they spend more money than almost any other organization.
They were controlled by powerful interest groups who cared about things other than student learning.
Regulation of physical development for public safety will certainly lead to conflict with powerful interests in real estate and development.
How it develops over the next six and a half months will reveal fundamental truths about our state's most powerful interests — and ourselves.
Pressure is now coming from powerful interests as well.
There are far more powerful interests which will determine the country's long term future.
We'd like to know if he's been working with influential lobbyists for powerful interests opposed to wind energy.
It would be very hard to do effectively, and there are too many powerful interests against it.
Powerful interests which profit from environmental destruction stand in the way of progress.
On the contrary, it is poorer populations who are less able to resist powerful interests.
Deep states tend to arise when powerful interests are threatened.
Governments can also eliminate subsidies of polluting behavior, an approach that is more palatable — except to the often powerful interests that benefit from the subsidies.
The flow of dollars from powerful interests has put education near the center of the campaign and possibly exaggerated differences between some of the candidates.
It's designed to serve really powerful interests, really powerful adult interests.
If we can't do that, there are powerful interests aligned in favor of a «business as usual» scenario.
Won't powerful interests cast undue influence on case outcomes, given that they might have helped finance a judge's reelection or might do so in the future?
Instead, they are best understood, at least when it comes to compensation policies, as political entities shaped by powerful interest groups, including organized groups of employees.
Pension benefit increases have been a painless way for politicians from both parties to provide something tangible to powerful interest groups without having to pay the costs immediately.
I'm convinced that at least one candidate will come forward who is heavily, heavily financed by the hedge funds or other powerful interests.
A strong attorney can help you enforce your legal rights against powerful interests.
Unfortunately, science is often treated as just another interest group to be pushed aside by more powerful interests.
We're lucky that we don't live in the days when coming up with a scientific theory that was inconvenient for powerful interests could get one burned at the stake.
Coffey goes on to tout his own record of «accountability and success against some of the most powerful interests on Wall Street.»
As this article has inferred, mutualism has been somewhat underplayed in relation to private sector institutions, not least because it challenges powerful interests and appears to contravene the establish norms of neo-liberalism, which despite the crisis remain deeply embedded in the global economic order.
The once dominant views that nicotine is not addictive, or that sodium intake is universally detrimental to one's health, or that cholesterol buildup is the primary cause of heart disease have all been rebuffed, not for lack of powerful interests working on their behalf, but because a mountain of empirical evidence discredits them.
The tax code is riddled with special favors for politically powerful interest groups.
It's a system where campaign money flows, where powerful interests hire connected lobbyists to ensure their needs are whispered into the right ears.
And when key decisions are at hand, we'll light up the Wall to let politicians who side with powerful interests against clean energy do so at their own peril.
The enemies are within ─ powerful interests who prefer greenwash to legislation and, it must be said, a public that wants to believe we can «save the planet» by changing our light - bulbs, as if we could put out a bushfire by spitting on it.
It was a peculiar confederation to be sure, especially given that the Times» civic mission relies on vigilance and skepticism toward such powerful interests.
«Eliot Spitzer has been our friend, standing up to the same powerful interests and backroom politicians supporting Stringer, fighting to get low - wage workers their back pay, fighting against fraudulent mortgage workers targeting our community, and investigating stop and frisk before anyone else,» according to Spitzer's spot.
For years, it has often seemed that those most passionately pressing for a rapid transition from still - abundant fossil fuels to non-polluting energy sources have been as focused on attacking each others» arguments as they have on fighting powerful interests defending the status quo (as well as perhaps the biggest foe — inertia, both in society and infrastructure).
This is not close to happening in New York State because powerful interests here, and the politicians they are legally paying off, do not actually want to do anything to reduce the gusher of political cash.
More measures need to be put in place — campaign finance laws among them — to prevent a few very powerful interests from exerting an undue amount of interest in the democratic system.
The internal politics of nations is brought to life with the Estates, representing powerful interests such as the Magnates of Poland - Lithuania and the eponymous Cossacks of the steppe.
People want to remedy that situation but are not nearly so doctrinaire as powerful interests and political elites.
There are too many powerful interests arrayed against new sales taxes, they say, for the proposals to succeed without changes.
It's «designed not only to protect environmental defenders, but also to make it easier for people to get information, participate in decision - making that will affect their lives, and hold powerful interests to account,» said Excell, in a statement published by World Resources Institute
But this pretty speech may simply have been a ploy to protect powerful interests, which Juan and Pedro's investigations threaten.
For over a decade as a legislator, Brian has stood up to powerful interests time and again — from fighting gun violence and protecting tenants to pushing for critical reforms to make Albany more transparent and accountable to the people.

Phrases with «powerful interests»

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