Sentences with phrase «powerful lobbying organization»

The NRA is the nation's largest gun rights organization with about five million members, and a powerful lobbying organization that wields significant influence on Capitol Hill.
Despite Marsh's sanctimoniousness, Ars Technica points out that earlier this year a Tennessee senator described AT&T as «the most powerful lobbying organization in this state by far» as it battled to stop Google from using utility poles in Nashville.
While it might seem like the NRA is impossible to defeat, powerful lobbying organizations have lost in the past.
Fortune Magazine recognized your clout in 2001, naming NAR one of the 10 most powerful lobbying organizations in Washington, D.C..

Not exact matches

The CFE, which had begun as a modest public - interest group in 1993 by Robert Jackson, then president of one of the city's 32 community school boards, and Michael Rebell, the attorney for the same school board, had grown into an impressively powerful education lobbying organization.
For well over a quarter century, the NEA and the AFT have been the most powerful groups in the politics of education — with more than four million members, formidable sums of money for campaign contributions and lobbying, well - educated activists manning the electoral trenches, and organizations that blanket the nation, allowing them to coordinate all these resources toward political ends.
Similarly, charter management organizations and their powerful government affairs offices would be just as likely to lobby for more flexible and generous authorization allowances to charter schools.
To achieve this goal, we are partnering with animal lovers across the country to help ensure the passage of these laws against powerful, kill shelter lobbying organizations such as HSUS, the ASPCA and PETA, and we have put together the tools to help others do precisely that.
The stated goal of some of the most powerful animal welfare organizations — and the one I am mostly thinking of functions more as a political lobbying group that anything else — is the elimination of all exotic animals from the purview of private ownership.
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