Sentences with phrase «powerful moment in»

Artist Statement «The election of President Obama was a powerful moment in American history.
By enlarging this powerful moment in U.S. history, Ward asks the viewers to contemplate and reexamine where we are today as a society.
It has what I'll go ahead and say is the most powerful moment in any of these songs with a tone shift towards Beyond Awesome.
Michael Shannon also makes a brief appearance as a Life magazine photographer, who captures an image of the couple that provides a powerful moment in the film, but his role isn't large enough for supporting consideration.
After well over two hours spent watching the relationship between Adèle Exarchopoulos and Lea Seydoux, a pivotal sequence in a diner represents a point of no return for each of their characters and an amazingly powerful moment in a powerful flick.
Childbirth is supposed to be this amazing and powerful moment in a woman's life.
It's a powerful moment in a parent's life when they suddenly see their sweet little one as a separate, intelligent, worthy human being who can plan, make decisions, snap out orders, and lead other humans on a journey through an imaginary rainforest or on a trip through outer space.
As a Doula she feels honored to be able to witness that powerful moment in a woman's and family's life.
Even as the case is progressing, the film's center of gravity switches from the trial to the progress of Beckett's disease, and we briefly meet his lover (Antonio Banderas) and his family, most especially his mother (Joanne Woodward), whose role is small but supplies two of the most powerful moments in the film.
There are powerful moments in «Unbroken,» to be sure, but it also feels like the kind of generically grand - scale movie that five other directors could have made in exactly the same way.
The unmasked scenes he has throughout the film are some of the most entertaining and powerful moments in the movie.
It's telling that most of the powerful moments in this dramatic love story occur when Lili and Gerda (Alicia Vikander) are not together or when they are interacting with other characters.
No hysteria, no judgment, just understated yet powerful moments in the aftermath of unspeakable tragedy.
The climax of First Class must fit all the players into their predetermined places, and the speed with which these transitions occurred felt rushed, even though Vaughn does capture some powerful moments in the dissolving of Charles and Erik's relationship.
by Bryant Frazer One of the most powerful moments in Scarface is the culmination of a violent, perfectly judged sequence of events crafted for maximum impact by screenwriter Oliver Stone and staged with ferocious efficiency by director Brian De Palma.
In one of the most poignant and powerful moments in the book, one of the interrogators remembers the way in which his father explained life in North Korea: «Even if we walked this path side by side, he said, we must act alone on the outside, while on the inside, we would be holding hands.»
The dialogues composed by the careful placement of works provide the most powerful moments in the exhibition.

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That context provides critical insights into consumer behavior — and therefore powerful clues for how you can be most relevant and useful for people in their moments of need.»
It's a powerful moment that is terrifying in its calmness, but this side of the villain is never explored much again.
«The material that WikiLeaks is going to publish before the end of the year is of... a very significant moment in different directions, affecting three powerful organizations in three different states as well as... the U.S election process,» he said via a video link at an event marking the group's 10th anniversary.
In closing arguments, Gowdy gave a powerful description of victim Ricky Samuel's last moments as he was lured to a pond by the accused, who posed as a preacher to get Samuel's confidence.
Cain unearthed it from his new book TouchPoints: Creating Powerful Leadership Connections in the Smallest of Moments:
But the letter omits any mention of the other powerful decision - makers in this situation, namely the corporations that will have their logos splashed all over every moment of the Summer Olympics, regardless of where and when it happens.
Mobile devices create powerful opportunities for marketers in both the business - to - business and business - to - consumer realms to engage with consumers in the moment, and that trend is going to accelerate in 2015 and beyond.
Ben Bernanke was arguably the most powerful person in finance at the exact moment finance, essentially, broke.
Moreover, the MACD indicator is exhibiting a powerful bullish signal, as it values around 122 at the moment and the blue positive trend line is above the red negative trend line and both of them are sloping in an upwards direction.
Those times when I've experienced God speak in silence — both to me and to others — during corporate worship have been immeasurably powerful moments.
When you stay in that moment and try to finish it, it communicates something so much more powerful than stepping out of it and coming back to it.
If your self - will is powerful and untamed, you will «suffer» horribly when you miss a train or run out of cigarettes: if your self - will is wholly conformed to the will of God, as manifested in the circumstances of the moment, you can undergo extremes of physical pain without «suffering» at all.
At the moment, Snow suggests, the most powerful people in Turkey are fanatics like Sunay and Blue, and the one thing that unites them is their violent resistance to the values that the West holds most dear.
We can not remove sin from this world but we can be moved by the love God gave us, in his only begotten Son, to share this love, which is eternal, forgiving, and powerful, so powerful that it can not be removed by, even, the taking of life — for no sooner do you take the life of such young ones away that, in the next moment, they are with Christ.
An interesting perspective... because we can still wonder whether the entire universe is controlled by an alien being who might at any moment do something for which there has been no precedent in all of human memory... we could still see beyond that practically all - powerful being a being that we could rightfully know to be God even to that other being to whom we are at their mercy.
This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and as, gradually, the puddle gets smaller and smaller, it's still frantically hanging on to the notion that everything's going to be alright, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise.
I have a wonderful husband who forgave me and we love each other and our marriage has gone from strength to strength, at the time i committed adultery i felt strongly that devil was controlling my behaviour it was such a powerful force and yet at the moment i was ending the affair the Holy Spirit was overpowering and brought me back to my husband and we celebrated our 25 th wedding anniversary last year, i have always loved my husband and didn't ever consider adultery and yet my ex came back into my life and i was weak, but now i am strong and so in love with my husband and know i am forgiven.
This is why the Olympic Games retain such a powerful hold on our moral imagination: We get to see what human nature is capable of in its nobler moments.
Try to read other books and understand the period in which the Bible was written, follow the political and economic pressures that influenced the Nicean councils, become aware that your holy book while possibly inspired by an all powerful being has been manipulated by man from the moment the first quill touched the papyrus.
«Not just in one country but in numerous Muslim countries, I have been able to walk in, head held high, no covert cover story and not only identify passively as a Christian but identify openly, work openly and hold serious talks about faith between Muslims and Christians, and not just at the grassroots level of poverty — people who needed my help — but also with the powerful and influential people who could have, in that moment, had me arrested and had me taken out back.»
The other side of the picture, and at the moment the far more important side, is that, while there have been real wounds, there are today powerful men in our country who specialize in reopening those wounds, not to help them to heal more completely, but for quite other purposes — to gain a partisan political advantage or to secure personal publicity; but most often in order to discredit by insinuation, if not by direct charges, all who believe in some changes in the economic order.
His message and example of grace in that moment are as eternally powerful as they are complicated to apply to our daily lives.
And it was made all the more powerful by Peter Capaldi's bewildered hurt at her words, you could see in that moment that he really thought he was doing the right thing and his instincts had been wrong and hurtful to her.
In this moment, when Mary's eyes locked with the eyes of the boy she once nursed, once tickled, once watched fall asleep, I imagine that Jesus understood the suffering of mothers, perhaps the most powerful suffering of all.»
As powerful as that moment of transformance was, it was a precarious one in the life of the liturgy.
Death becomes not the sheer destruction or obliteration of life but merely its termination, the setting of a limit to the total number of indestructible experiences that comprise a given life.49 Secondly, in urging upon man the principle that his actions help determine the nature of God's everlasting memory of him, it gives very powerful inducement to highly moral and unselfish living within a cosmic perspective.50 Finally, it affirms a cosmic basis for absolutely cherishing the worth of life's every moment, inasmuch as «each moment of life is an end in itself, and not just a means to some future goal.
In particular, they do not resolve the conflict between two powerful sentiments: a wish to preserve human life from its first moments of existence and a desire not willingly to impose upon a child a short life of pain and misery.
Stephen's mind is so attuned to even the smallest moments of bullying and violence from the powerful against the powerless that there's little way, in retrospect, his faith could last.
Don't get so focused on having a powerful Christmas morning moment that you miss that quiet, unglamorous moment when Jesus shows up in day - to - day life, when his presence makes itself known in some new, convicting, or comforting way.
This musical teems with moments of transcendence — where a powerful scene occurs on stage, and the atmosphere in the theatre changes.
I've experienced powerful moments of true community within the church only to have them eventually wrecked and ruined by well - intentioned people trying to turn it into something greater, or packaging it and marketing it for church growth purposes, or inflicting it with pressure to subscribe to a homogenous ideology and lifestyle, or imposing a vision upon it that turns it into an end rather than a thing of beauty in and of itself.
Sometimes, just resting and abiding in the moment is just as (if not more) powerful.
In this moment, when Mary's eyes locked with the eyes of the boy she once nursed, once tickled, once watched fall asleep, I imagine Jesus understood the suffering of mothers, perhaps the most powerful suffering of all.
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