Sentences with phrase «powerful muscle contraction»

PE is the intensity of this signal relative to the signal intensity required to produce the most powerful muscle contraction.
Plyometric training involves body - based and explosive exercises, such as box jumps, to help create powerful muscle contractions and should be performed at (or above) our lactic threshold.
The combination of stretching and contracting your muscles into quick, explosive movements is possibly the fastest way to increase your power and performance in terms of weight training, due to the fact that plyometric exercise primes the nervous system to fire stronger and faster, enabling more powerful muscle contractions.
This results in more powerful muscle contractions, which enables you to lift a bit more weight for the same number of reps — or get a rep or two more out with the same weight.
Because you get faster and more powerful muscle contractions when taking creatine you'll be able to sprint faster too.

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It's important to know that the biceps is mainly composed of fast - twitch muscle fibers, which are able to produce quick and powerful contractions.
Working your entire body in one powerful session can help you achieve maximum muscle contraction while lifting heavy weights, prevents burnout and allows for faster full recovery.
The antagonist exercise seems to prime the nerves that force the agonist muscle to contract, thus creating a stronger, more powerful contraction.
Focus on getting a powerful contraction and maintaining mind - muscle connection.
As such it is a powerful method to relax muscle contraction and inflammation following exercise.
The stretch shortening cycle (SSC) refers to the muscles ability to store and use elastic energy to create more powerful contractions.
Through overspeed training, not only do your neurons literally learn how to fire faster and control your muscles more efficiently at higher speeds, but you also develop more powerful and quick muscle fiber contractions, which, as you've already learned, is crucial for performance, function and longevity.
Speed training teaches your brain to fire faster and control your muscles more efficiently at higher speeds and also develops quicker and more powerful muscle - fiber contractions.
Cramps are caused by strong contractions of the uterus and magnesium helps to relax the powerful uterine muscles.
They cause powerful eccentric contractions, which build lean muscle mass.
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