Sentences with phrase «powerful oil company»

«ExxonMobil, the world's largest and most powerful oil company, knew everything there was to know about climate change by the mid-1980s, and then spent the next few decades systematically funding climate denial and lying about the state of the science.»
In a statement signed by the organisations Executive Director, Adetokumbo Mumuni, SERAP called on the Federal Government to «stand up to powerful oil companies that have continued to abuse the human rights of the people of the Niger Delta with impunity for decades if it is to satisfactorily resolve the crisis in the region.»

Not exact matches

President Obama called it «a major victory for big oil, Wall Street banks, health insurance companies and the other powerful interests that marshal their power every day in Washington to drown out the voices of everyday Americans.»
«And not cave to pressure from powerful oil and gas companies
«We need a representative in Albany who will stand up to powerful oil and natural gas companies, support renewable energies, and preserve our environment for future generations.
Some powerful state actors are involved in the recent $ 5 million litres contaminated fuel which was reportedly offloaded by the market at the Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation Company (BOST).
Some powerful state actors are involved in the recent $ 5 million litres contaminated fuel are working vigorously to cover the rot at the Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation Company (BOST).
Push to hold industry accountable The oil and gas industry, one of the state's most powerful political forces, has acknowledged some role in the damages, but so far has defeated efforts to force companies to pay for it.
The Trump administration has acted expeditiously to fill vacancies on top courts around the country, including the Supreme Court and powerful lower courts that could decide the fate of regulatory challenges and novel lawsuits, like localities suing oil companies for damages caused by sea - level rise.
The oil companies do have control of the liquid fuels market, however — so at the end of the day, what the biofuel folks are looking to do is to take market share away from probably the most powerful industry in America, and arguably in the world.
The book's title, Special Interest, invokes a term historically applied to wealthy and powerful entities such as oil companies, tobacco interests, and gun manufacturers, whose narrow aims are often recognized as colliding with the more general public interest in such matters as clean water, good health, and public safety.
Now living in Manhattan, the powerful magnate is head of a multi-national oil company.
It takes courage for a government to serve notice to powerful offshore oil exploration companies that they're not welcome, but that's exactly what the Belize government has been doing throughout 2015.
And now a powerful coalition including oil companies, environmentalists, grocery manufacturers, livestock farmers and humanitarian advocates is pushing Congress to weaken or repeal the mandate.
As one of Indonesia's largest and most prominent forest products brands, APP and its parent Sinar Mas are a powerful force in Indonesian politics (Sinar Mas also owns Golden Agri Resources, one of Indonesia's largest palm oil companies, which in 2011 adopted a similar forest conservation policy).
Backed by powerful oil, coal, and gas companies, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has proposed repealing America's Clean Power Plan, which would allow these companies to keep polluting our air and destroying our climate — regardless of what it means for everyday citizens or our planet.
Just as New York's Teddy Roosevelt took on the Standard Oil Trust a century ago, New York's attorney general has shown great courage in holding to account arguably the richest and most powerful company on Earth.
Backed by powerful oil, coal, and gas companies, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's tactic is as transparent as a glass of spring water.
«Just as New York's Teddy Roosevelt took on the Standard Oil Trust a century ago, New York's attorney general has shown great courage in holding to account arguably the richest and most powerful company on Earth,» Bill McKibben, founder of the advocacy organization said in a statement.
If Goldacre really wants to stick his neck out, why doesn't he try arguing against a rich, powerful, bullying Climate - Change establishment which includes all three British main political parties, the National Academy of Sciences, the Royal Society, the Prince of Wales, the Prime Minister, the President of the USA, the EU, the UN, most schools and universities, the BBC, most of the print media, the Australian Government, the New Zealand Government, CNBC, ABC, the New York Times, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, most of the rest of the City, the wind farm industry, all the Big Oil companies, any number of rich charitable foundations, the Church of England and so on?
For too long the world's most powerful and profitable oil companies have masqueraded as leaders of responsible business, while robbing countries of their most precious assets.
In the United States, oil and gas companies are now perhaps the most powerful lobbyists in Washington.
plausible «conspiracy theory»: that fossil energy companies, driven by the need to protect hundreds of billions of dollars of profits, encourage obfuscation of the inconvenient scientific results... Challenging vested interests as powerful as the oil and coal lobbies was never going to be easy... Scientists are not naturally aggressive defenders of arguments... The skeptics are far, far more determined and expert propagandists to boot.
Not sell it off to the highest bidders, who will of course be highly motivated interests like oil companies and large, powerful businesses?
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