Sentences with phrase «powerful sense humans»

Performance cars are all about indulging the senses, and smell is the most powerful sense humans have for evoking memories.

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This is done, in this remarkable human family of which we are all a part, with demonic craft by the powerful, in an absolutely dazzling array of forms (if necessity is the mother of invention, covetousness and lust are the parents of ingenuity), upon well - established but shamelessly fraudulent justification, usually in the broad sense religious and sometimes even specifically theological.
After all that has been said, it is still possible to claim that the concept of divine relationality is powerful and reflects important religious sentiments.14 It certainly dulls the edge of the theodicy problem by removing the sense of injustice immediately apparent in the idea of a blissful God creating suffering humans.
One wonders how many novelists and, for that matter, how many sermonizers are prepared to confront in such detail this difficult fact about the human condition, that sooner or later most of us will be called on to give adults, to whom we are bound with the most powerful ties of love and respect, the services we associate with the care of an infant, with their sense of dignity, and our own, now and for all eternity, dependent on the delicate attention and sensitivity we bring to the task, even as they gaze upon us helpless and vulnerable.
The powerful biblical sense of divine - human relations founded on contractual obligation thus dissolves in a bath of private feeling.
Our response to God's acceptance of our lives into his / her life provides a powerful sense of the meaning of life and a profound sense of the intimacy of the human and the divine.
Actually, the nature of life on Earth makes more sense with a group of malevolent gods who are in constant conflict with each other and don't really care about humans than it does with a single all - powerful loving God.
According to the Rosary on the Coast's website, Catholics in Poland «responded to what they sense as a movement of the Holy Spirit to gather around the coasts of their nations and pray to Jesus, the Divine Mercy, for a renewal of faith and respect for human life through the powerful intercession of Our Lady of the Rosary».
Researchers have identified a powerful human motive that has not been adequately appreciated by social and behavioral scientists: the drive to make sense of our lives and the world around us.
Certainly the twin rovers on Mars and the intrepid Cassini spacecraft dodging around Saturn's rings have generated a powerful sense of wonder, yet those are exactly the kinds of projects that are at risk as Griffin places his bet on human voyagers, not mechanical surrogates.
The flood of data can overwhelm human insight and analysis, but the computing advances that helped deliver it have also conjured powerful new tools for making sense of it all.
They are able to form a mental image to accompany the smells and can therefore use their sense of smell (that's 10,000 times more powerful than humans» sense of smell) to visualize the world.
This video reviews some of the many powerful attributes of a canine's amazing sense of smell and how humans use it to improve our lives.
But if his attempts to do the same thing with humans is a problem, redirect those powerful senses to something less embarrassing and more productive for the win!
Dogs have much more powerful senses of smell and hearing than humans.
An animal's sense of smell is much more powerful than a human's; it's not unusual for an animal to pick up a scent from a distance.
However, once you're through that mission, everything seems to slow down... The main scenario is pretty good, and you'll definitely enjoy it, but when it comes down to side missions, I found myself doing them for two reasons; to earn extra Praxis Kits and because I like to make sure I've done everything in an area before I leave it... That sense of wanting to know more, to learn what secrets lay behind these missions, just wasn't anywhere near as powerful as it was in Human Revolution... On top of that, to me at least, the main scenario seemed to wrap itself up rather quickly...
This body of work provokes a powerful sense of unease and depicts human experience in ways that can be impossible to verbalize.
This sense of seclusion distills each painting into a singular moment of meditation, allowing those who encounter McKinley's works to enter a space emblematic of human culture and its powerful connection to art objects.
Titled «Judas Returning the Thirty Pieces of Silver,» it was certainly powerful in ways that his great work would be, with its operatic, Verdian largeness of gesture, its sense for light as both specific and cosmic, and its piercing, unembarrassable instinct for human emotion.
Many scientists have a growing sense of urgency about the need for such a shift, as evidence grows that humans are becoming a powerful influence on a host of planetary «operating systems.»
Luckily, human ingenuity and a powerful sense of community spirit have combined in a big way.
When you put it like that, it is pretty obvious that self - righteous elitism powered by a sense of entitlement to rule and a blind faith in dogma has always been and will always be a powerful factor in any advanced human society.
What I think he pinpoints is that a sense of fairness and human dignity is a more powerful political motivator than the promise of an infinitely expanding supply of material goods (a promise that anyway looks increasingly hollow in the light of what scientists tell us of the likely impacts of unchecked climate change).
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