Sentences with phrase «powerful set»

A much more powerful set of people tell him what to say.
The boss battles in particular stood out, with them typically seeing you face off against huge beasts that have a much more powerful set of skills.
It's by far the most powerful set - top box on the market, and that's not just for 4K video.
But advocates for change insist they are focusing on an especially important and potentially powerful set of tools for improvement that have not really been used until recently.
The more powerful sets come from the bigger monsters, and oftentimes it takes hours of grinding to get the materials required to make those sets.
Less reliance on outside vendors, the ability to create a more efficient and more powerful set of devices.
Once your milk lets down, push the button to go to the more powerful setting.
Obviously, Quake has a very powerful set of tools, no question about it, but this is really a next - generation toolset with the mesh editor and the lush graphical content and the sheer density of the natural settings and the lighting options and the weather options.
Players will be able to try out these new powerful sets to match their gameplay style:
The most powerful setting on the mamaRoo isn't close to as fast as a baby swing can go.
Together, these capabilities would give scientists «an incredibly powerful set of tools» to seek out evidence of past life on Mars, Mustard said at the conference.
However, when you know how to use food properly, you can unlock your OWN powerful set of hormones within your body (Insulin, GH and Testosterone, specifically) and achieve results that might make other people THINK you're on steroids.
However, there are a couple of powerful set pieces, showcasing the leads, and supporting performers Sean Combs and young actor Coronji Calhoun as Comb's father.
As the world of Room is unveiled, we see everything through Jack's eyes as the immediacy and impact of such a strange but startlingly powerful set of circumstances are presented to us in Lenny Abrahamson's (Frank) stunning film.
«By tying together educator and student data with TalentEd's solutions, we'll create an extremely powerful set of K - 12 talent management and student assessment solutions that will give school and district leaders data - informed, actionable insights to expand and improve the way educators teach and students learn.»
Boilers is a slightly more remote spot with a trickier entrance and exit via the rocks but arguably one of the best spots in Morocco bringing in big powerful sets.
There's even a pretty powerful set of area commands which let you quickly que up orders, like carpeting an entire planet in metal extractors.
The Che Domovoy will come with a rare mini pet, gear and perks for the game while the Expurgator Set will grant you a full wardrobe of unique and powerful set items.
Sacred Armor Sets: In return for your efforts Athena will reward you with different powerful sets of Sacred Armor that will make you stronger than ever before.
The clearest finding from our analysis of both sets of players was the fact that Battlefield 1 players boasted, on average, much more powerful set ups than LoL fans, particularly in terms of Graphics Processing Unit (GPU).
CF.lumen does have quite a few powerful settings, which might lead to a bit of confusion.
Both exchanges also share the same powerful set of investors with some of the biggest financial names like Andreessen Horowitz investing in the company.
In addition to powerful sets from both the SMB and Frampton's band, fans will also be regaled with Miller bringing Frampton onstage midset to create some of the most compelling jamming of the season.
More than a year after the sun lashed out at Earth with the most powerful set of storms ever recorded, a fleet of space probes continues to track the reverberations.
This device has the same processor as the most modern iPhone, no display, and a much more powerful set of speakers than an iPhone.
Replacing the MRX 310 at the entry to Anthem's new lineup, the new MRX 520 offers a simple - yet - powerful set of features, including 5.1 - channel surround output with pre-amp outputs for each channel, and seven HDMI inputs to link up your entire home theater system.
That, paired with the watch, gives you a powerful set of tools for staying in shape and healthy.
Equities really have had the best of all worlds these past few years, with earnings growth in the double digits and financial conditions remaining very accommodative, despite the recent rise in both short - and long - term interest rates.1 The combination of rising earnings growth and benign financial conditions is a powerful set of tailwinds which usually drives stock valuations higher.
We bring a unique and powerful set of processes with proven results.
With a powerful set of advisors and community attention this ICO looks to have a great deal of investors contributing.
It is a formidable movement with a powerful set of resources, enmeshed in webs of churches and clergy, religious publications, other media, direct mail, and the intense personal networks that are common to church loyalists.
In addition, DJ Mr. Pauer provided a powerful set throughout the festive evening, while Emmy - winning TV host and radio personality Carlos Alvarez and Emmy - winning TV host and producer Pili Montilla donated their emcee talents.
A powerful set of tools for brewers to measure their resource usage with an eye toward greater profitability through reduced consumption.
Oh wow what a powerful set of images.
Try this simple yet powerful set of prenatal poses.
A powerful set of people will do anything to try to shift public opinion in order that they can overturn the referendum.»
Mr Cummings claimed stories alleging links with Vote Leave were being promoted because a «powerful set of people will do anything to try to shift public opinion in order that they can overturn the referendum».
These are a great choice for anyone looking for a bright and powerful set of LED bulbs.
There's a powerful set of experiments that people have done on vision.
«The combination of in vitro and in vivo experimental models to understand the biophysical and molecular mechanisms of primary blast injury and the effects of treatment on the BBB offer a powerful set of tools to guide the development of novel therapeutic strategies to mitigate the consequences of bTBI,» says Morrison.
These technologies offer a powerful set of tools for biological analysis at the molecular and single - cell level in the life sciences, pharmaceutical, and clinical laboratory industries.
Armed with a powerful set of tools at EPFL's Center of MicroNanoTechnology, researchers in Kippenberg's lab set about engineering nanomechanical devices with deliberately enhanced stress and dissipation dilution.
«Additive manufacturing» offers manufacturers a powerful set of tools for making any number of products cost - effectively and with little waste, a groundbreaking development that promises to help revitalize the U.S. manufacturing sector.
Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have devised a powerful set of chemical methods for exploring the biology of proteins.
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