Sentences with phrase «powerful source»

The most powerful sources of clean energy include raw, organic vegetables and superfood extracts.
Religious commitment has been one of the most powerful sources of behavioral, discipline, literacy, learning, and a sense of vocation humanity has ever known.
I primarily focus on couples work because I consider the marital unit to be the most powerful source for change in the whole family.
For there is another, more powerful source from which forgiveness, reconciliation and healing love flows.
Reddit can be an incredibly powerful source of traffic, however it is extremely strongly moderated and regular promotions are difficult.
I am always open to trying out new things, and the Internet is a very powerful source of marketing.
Religious communities remain powerful sources for moral formation and communal renewal.
* The fermented veggies are also a particularly powerful source of probiotics with different strains from what you get in yogurt or kefir for different health benefits for your digestive system and immune system.
Together, we can grow those circles into powerful sources of understanding, support, and love surrounding children suffering from early trauma and the adults who care for them.
For freshman legislators, the most powerful source of political power was not the local school board; it was the new governor.
The authors also suggest that while parents are powerful sources of socialization in acceptable career paths, they frequently fail to give their children detailed information about careers.
Press releases used to be incredibly powerful sources for link building, but they've been diminished in recent years.
Really powerful source of anti-oxidants and bioactive phytonutrients.
Carbon dioxide had sources and sinks but every now and then there were major upward or downward swings as unusually powerful sources or sinks dominated the picture.
«And finally, a higher purpose — the sense that what we do matters and serves something larger than our immediate self - interest — is a uniquely powerful source of motivation,» Schwartz and Porath write.
Unimaginably powerful sources of radio emissions, brighter than entire galaxies, quasars were initially viewed as mysterious objects found billions of light - years from us but unknown in our own galactic neighborhood.
Charters and contract schools, as potentially powerful sources of market influence on a public education system that clearly needs it, deserve a serious trial.
Furthermore, the anthocyanins in cabbage are a current area of research, but early indications point to it being a more powerful source of antioxidants than vitamin - C, and red cabbage has, even more, types of anthocyanins than normal cabbage.
The above ingredients are the amounts that are included in each serving or capsule and are all very powerful sources of plant phytosterols and alkaloids.
Science fiction can be a really powerful source of ideas for your e-Learning.
And in the 1950s they distinguished a particularly powerful source of radio noise there.
Carbon dioxide had sources and sinks but every now and then there were major upward or downward swings as unusually powerful sources or sinks dominated the picture.
In fact, we strongly encourage authors to consider donating some of their books to libraries for the platform - building benefit, because market data strongly indicates that libraries are incredibly powerful sources of author discovery for library patrons, and library patrons buy a lot of books.
While Google + can also have a powerful impact on your search results on Google, the majority of studies at this point suggest that Facebook is one of the most powerful sources for an SEO boost in the search rankings for your website content.
Blueberries are highly nutritious and among the world's most powerful sources of antioxidants.
This idea is very Piagetian / constructivist, in that errors are powerful sources of information that incentivize students to correct those errors.
Why it's hot: The popularity of social - media platforms continues to be a powerful source of revenue for influencers — and for agents in search of a cut.
Love is a powerful source of competitive advantage.
Your next generation website will be easy to use, easy to update and a powerful source of demand for your business.
I have already indicated my own belief that ideas and ideals which offer hope of rescue or fulfillment to persons or groups where their vital interests are at stake can be powerful sources of constructive, even revolutionary, change.
This would imply the grateful recognition of the powerful sources of moral insight available through the experience of the Jewish people and the revitalizing power resident within the Christian Gospel, but also the rightful and needful contributions of other peoples and historic religions to the fulfillment of the highest potentialities in existence.
Regular enjoyment of this powerful source of unity and pleasure is one of the best things about a good marriage.
Feeling a common bond of humanness is one of the most powerful sources of altruistic behavior.
Why, then, have Christians always found in the story such a powerful source of faith?
Religion has long been a powerful source of solidarity because it reassures us that everybody is subject to the same higher authority.
Even the nation - state, once a powerful source of unity, not just in America, but in Europe and elsewhere, has weakened.
Here, shining in one of the most delicious concoctions ever, are some of the most powerful sources of nutrition on the planet, beautiful ingredients, which, when tucked into a smoothie like this Chocolate Covered Matcha, can make us look and feel as beautiful and powerful as they are!
Contains optimal ratio of omega fatty acids, making it a powerful source for anti-inflammatory diet
Cauliflower, though doesn't make for a very tasty smoothie, is a powerful source of goodness.
Maca is loaded with bioavailable minerals and plant sterols and is a powerful source of iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iodine.
Include the powerful source of nutrients — Nuts, in your diet and stay healthy.
For a powerful source of both coffee and green tea compounds (along with other powerful antioxidant compounds) I will often use Energy Charge as it is extremely effective, contains less caffeine than coffee, and offers the fat - burning benefits of green coffee bean.
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