Sentences with phrase «powerful supercomputer on»

The brain is in many ways the most powerful supercomputer on the planet and yet it also an extremely low - power computing device.
They've used strong encryption which, with a reasonably long and non-obvious passphrase, isn't crackable in practice (brute force methods even using the most powerful supercomputers on the planet would take lifetimes, at least).

Not exact matches

The complex physics behind these explosions is difficult to model, even with state - of - the - art simulations run on some of the world's most powerful supercomputers.
They proposed an algorithm that, if run on a large enough quantum computer, would produce results that couldn't be replicated by the world's most powerful supercomputers.
New radar technology will allow forecasters to better «see» extreme weather, as will potential improvements to satellite technology, as well as computer models that run on more powerful supercomputers.
The battle for supercomputing supremacy took a new twist on Tuesday when Japanese manufacturer NEC launched a new generation of computational building blocks that could be laced together to form the most powerful supercomputer in the world.
«All the work was conducted on Blue Waters, a powerful petascale supercomputer at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) on the University of Illinois campus,» says Peng.
With a quantum computer, APL researchers have now shown that these calculations can be done much faster and model much more complex objects than would be possible using even on the most powerful classical supercomputers.
The panel also recommended that NIH establish a new program aimed at organizing and curating massive biological databases, such as one on the mouse genome; set aside funds for researchers to hire biocomputing help; and support scientists assembling midsize computer networks that are more powerful than desktop machines but easier to manage than supercomputers.
The investigations relied on the Stampede and Lonestar supercomputers at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)-- among the most powerful in the world.
These computational investigations typically rely on scientific software that makes it possible to perform virtual experiments and explore laboratory research data with reliable, reproducible results, whether one is using a desktop computer or the nation's most powerful supercomputers.
They include a scientific code that physicist Seung - Hoe Ku runs on two of the world's most powerful supercomputers to study turbulence at the volatile edge of fusion plasmas.
To study an even larger signaling complex surrounding the switch, the team is expanding these simulations on the 27 - petaflop, CPU — GPU machine Titan — the nation's most powerful supercomputer, managed by the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility at ORNL.
The Intel «Cherry Creek» supercomputer — which ranks among the world's fastest and most powerful supercomputers for its combination of speed, power, and energy efficiency — cut down calculation time on complicated analyses from years to days, advancing fields such as genomics and bioinformatics, medical and climate research, molecular modeling, and data analytics.
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) high - performance computer sites have selected a dynamic fusion code, led by physicist C.S. Chang of the DOE's Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), for optimization on three powerful new supercomputers.
The PPPL - led code was one of only three codes out of more than 30 science and engineering programs selected to participate in Early Science programs on all three new supercomputers, which will serve as forerunners for even more powerful exascale machines that are to begin operating in the United States in the early 2020s.
This powerful supercomputer gives Black Panther any information he needs while he's on a mission.
A supercomputer based on the Cell processor that is found in Sony's PlayStation 3 console has rocketed into the latest Top 500 supercomputing ranking at number one to become the most powerful computer in the world.
The supercomputer Mistral at DKRZ is listed on rank 38 of the list and is currently the third most powerful HPC system in Germany.
These are the models that take weeks to run on the world's most powerful supercomputers.
The SAP 3.1 report describes complex mathematical models used to simulate the Earth's climate on some of the most powerful supercomputers, and assesses their ability to reproduce observed climate features, and their sensitivity to changes in conditions such as atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide.
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