Sentences with phrase «powerful understanding of»

This background gives our firm a powerful understanding of the system in relation to compensation, claims and product liability lawsuits.
With his powerful understanding of the primeval nature of the land itself, Cole can rightly be called the founding father of American landscape painting.
All of these things are woven together with a refined visual vocabulary and a powerful understanding of composition.
Set mostly in Montana and Wyoming, near the borders of Yellowstone National Park, this revelatory collection combines unforgettable insight into the fierce beauty of the West with a powerful understanding of human beings.
A powerful understanding of the concepts they are taking emerge as they teach and reteach to younger children.
He answers them in beautifully written chapters that are both rich in detail — a first - grader conducting a science experiment, a carpenter solving a problem on the fly, a college student's encounter with a story by James Joyce — and informed by a deep and powerful understanding of history, the psychology of learning, and the politics of education.
Sadly, I have not (yet) read the work, but imagine that it contains the same vibrant characters as her other books, with an equally powerful understanding of human desires (but without the violence).
This manual will give you a powerful understanding of your personal metabolism, best eating behaviors and your body's responses to exercise.
Yet he has used his leadership campaign to remind a sceptical party, and a hostile press, that he has a powerful understanding of economics and of economic history and a particular talent for harrying and haranguing Tory opponents.
Does it make sense to invent another person here when all the testimony points to Jesus, and when the Gospels paint a coherent picture of a man who lived and taught his powerful understanding of the love of God?
Here is the seat of the rationally perplexing but existentially powerful understanding of original sin, a notion almost wholly lacking in Judaism but pervasively effective in Christianity, even where its verbalization is repudiated.
«Millennial Branding combines a powerful understanding of the Millennial generation with keen awareness of the major forces impacting professionals today.

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Instead, they decided to understand gravity and then overcome one of the most powerful laws of nature.
But however you decide to acquire this report, you've given yourself a powerful advantage in your understanding of the wearables devices.
But however you decide to acquire this report, you've given yourself a powerful advantage in your understanding of the fast - moving world of the IoT.
Still, LeCun said that the project's ultimate goal of creating powerful computers that completely understand conversations is years away.
They can be a powerful tool for getting the attention of prospective clients, because they're memorable and allow you to easily differentiate yourself, and they help people to understand and connect with what you do.
p Importantly, as a bulk fuel purchaser it would have deeper understanding of the fuel business and, depending on its scale, it could be a more powerful advocate of motorists» rights by bargaining for cheaper petrol for them.
I worry about these and we have studied them extensively, but I also worry there are even more powerful effects we must mitigate around sensationalism and polarization leading to a loss of common understanding.
Stanley Fish does an excellent job of taking some of history's greatest opening lines and paragraphs, dissecting them to help the reader understand why they're so powerful, and providing tips on the principles of an effective sentence.
This is powerful stuff that lets you create mashups of different types of metrics to really get under the hood and understand your customers.
«Both heads of state agreed to cooperate closely with each other and the United States and shared the understanding there must be the most powerful sanctions and pressure applied on North Korea,» presidential Blue House spokesman Park Su - hyun told a media briefing after the two leaders spoke by phone.
So while my quest to understand the nature of a powerful, lock - and - key euphoria I call the «baby high» might seem silly, researchers told me the mystery does intersect with two gravely important and possibly interconnected issues facing our society today.
Olen: The first thing you have to understand is we're dealing with thirty years of a powerful ideology that regulation is bad in a free market.
Working from an operational understanding of the financial system has proven quite powerful in terms of assessing QE and its efficacy.
And these speeches and pitches are vital because founders and startup entrepreneurs understand the importance of connecting with and appealing to people through emotions, details, and powerful sensory elements.
The Power of Employee Social Advocacy [Infographic] The topic of employee advocacy is in no way new to the digital marketing realm, but there's still a somewhat vague understanding of how powerful it can be for your marketing efforts.
One of my favorite keyword tools out there, Jason and CCarter understand search and data analysis and put a lot of time into building a truly powerful keyword suite with some robust scoring.
Zappos is acting on the understanding that the character of a company can be the most powerful yet most difficult competitive advantage to develop and maintain.
It's no secret my trading career is built on studying and trading price action, an incredibly simple yet immensely powerful form of market analysis which most of you already have a basic understanding of hopefully.
If you want a deeper understanding of your persona, Facebook offers a powerful, free analytics tool as a part of their ads platform called Audience Insights.
This model is yet another example of how powerful buyer persona and buyer insight development, rooted in deep understanding, can help companies set themselves apart from their competition.
Some of the most powerful men in China have been seeking out experts to gain a better understanding of how to respond to President Trump's combative trade agenda.
«As business leaders seek to improve the impact of marketing and sales spend in 2016, this new study reveals powerful truths about a fundamental and often misunderstood element of their strategy — understanding the buyers they serve.
But some powerful statistics she encountered motivated her to figure out a way to balance motherhood while living out her passion to help people understand the complexities and nuances of the Social Security system.
Understanding the archetypes of buyers and their relevant goals can provide the powerful insights B2B Sales needs to engage with buyers in this new social age.
A solid understanding of business cash flow is one of the most powerful tools entrepreneurs have to make strategic, long - term business decisions.
I do not understand why people wish to diminish the wonder of nature and the immense statistical improbability of our existence by giving credit to a powerful imaginary friend.
What motivated these German anti-Nazis to resist the powerful Hitler regime is an important object lesson for more precisely locating the roots of the moral evil of Nazism by understanding the source of its antitheses (malum privatio boni est).
One of the most powerful scenes in NKOC was when Neo talked about his ex-wife, and used his experience of forgiving her repeated affairs as a way to begin to understand the forgiveness we have in Jesus.
You are making it needlessly hard, or are perhaps just plain too stupid to understand such a simple fact as: there's no point debunking myths that virtually no one and no one at all with any real clout believes in anyway, but MUCH point in debunking myths that large numbers of people, including powerful politicians, believe should be the guiding principles for the country's entire political culture and laws.
If the ascension is understood as not about a direction but instead about the place Jesus occupies in creation and in our hearts, it becomes a powerful counter to the economic and political powers of our day.
Any kind of all - powerful, all - knowing being would know this, and if he were good, he would understand perfectly well, and not punish anyone for honest non-belief.
He expressed understanding for the protesters, saying: «There is still a powerful sense around - fair or not - of a whole society paying for the errors and irresponsibility of bankers.»
From commercials predicated on creating desires rather than on meeting utilitarian needs, to the therapeutic rhetoric of politicians of Left and Right, the gravitational pull toward a psychological understanding of the self is powerful and omnipresent.
If Christians could come to see that we can not understand the saving work of God within us, the incarnation of God in the world, the presence of the Holy Spirit, or the character of the Christian life apart from a doctrine of mutual indwelling that is irreconcilable with atomistic individualism and all its works, we could have powerful leverage to liberate us from oppressive canalizations of thought and practice.
An all powerful creator would not make an excuse by putting it back on the people... wouldn't he search for a way to help them understand instead of accusing them of not having faith... trust must be earned by anyone asking for «faith»... an all knowing god would understand this... if no trust... no faith can be had... reading a book does not fulfill even the barest minimum of building a trust which is necessary if you are to ask for «faith».
You say you don't know gods will because to try and think like god is too hard (which for the record I think is a cop out in any debate or discussion about god that I understand you really believe it and are not trying to duck around a question, but to say I don't know, god is too powerful to understand sort of halts discussion from there)
You say you don't know gods will because to try and think like god is too hard (which for the record I think is a cop out in any debate or discussion about god that I understand you really believe it and are not trying to duck around a question, but to say I don't know, god is too powerful to understand sort of halts discussion from there) but you also are saying to speak with him on a daily basis.
If you've followed my z - theory at all, you will understand that I see the story of the incarnation as a powerful metaphor that attempts to describe reality.
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