Sentences with phrase «powerful webbed feet»

The cormorant dives from the surface and chases fish underwater, propelled by its powerful webbed feet.
The breed has powerful webbed feet and long toes (only the Newfoundland dog breed has longer toes).

Not exact matches

Typically, true frogs are smooth, moist - skinned frogs, with large, powerful legs and extensively webbed feet.
It was a powerful swimmer, with a crocodilian snout, broad feet that may have been webbed, shortened but heavily muscled hind limbs and a propulsive tail similar to that of some fish.
Webbed feet and a powerful tail that makes a great rudder help Labs cut through the water better than any Olympic swimmer.
The medium - sized Welsh has a fantastic sense of smell and partially webbed feet, making it a powerful swimmer.
Unlike most dogs that swim with the traditional doggie paddle, Newfs swim with a powerful stroke that moves those webbed feet down and out through the water.
Nova Scotia duck tolling retrievers have webbed feet and are powerful swimmers.
The massive Newfoundlands, with their heavy black or brown coats, large webbed feet, powerful hindquarters and well - developed lungs cope easily with long distance swimming, even in the coldest conditions.
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