Sentences with phrase «practical alternatives do»

Rational people with practical alternatives don't enter teaching, or don't stay.
Rational people with practical alternatives don't... Read More

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That left only one practical alternative, which served as Matthew's bottom line: «Watch therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming» (24:42).
It does have medical / practical value and much better alternative for athletes to help recovery in training should they prefer to use it.
Her practical and encouraging blog gives parents tips on how to combat feeling overwhelmed, a free resource of alternatives for grounding and time - outs, and ways moms can build themselves up and be positive about their parents skills even when they don't feel like it.
This is a practical alternative for working moms who don't have time to breastfeed for every meal but don't want to give it up altogether.
This post is not here to debate the issue, and certainly not to judge moms for decisions either way, but to offer some practical alternatives for those who don't or can't nurse their babies.
In a practical sense, families who lack personal transportation or live far away from private schools do not have access to alternatives.
For those of you who just don't want one, here's a practical, stylish, lovely driving alternative.
Sure, a 3 Series Estate — priced from $ 64,500 — is probably a cheaper, more practical alternative for most people, but it's only available with older four - cylinder engines, doesn't offer all - wheel drive or the same level of standard convenience and dynamic features, and doesn't look as cool as the X4.
But as luxury car makers show increased interest in the lower end of the luxury market, the A-Class sedan could do well in India as a more spacious and practical alternative to the CLA - Class.
[At this point, I don't believe a P / E multiple's a practical (or effective) valuation alternative to also incorporate here].
For too long, people who wanted to get serious things done on climate have all lined up around Kyoto — like mother elephants around the vulnerable young — without looking seriously at why that whole strategy was doomed to fail and practical alternatives.
Once this has been done, the marketplace can sort out any practical alternatives to carbon fuels much more quickly efficiently than crony capitalism ever could.
Perhaps Japan is investing so much in methane hydrates because they don't want to be dependent on LNG imports forever, and they don't see any practical renewable alternatives.
We do need fossil fuels to make: plastics for example though chemists are getting better at developing alternative starting materials we are not there yet in practical applications from the lab.
I don't do any of this to serve the goddess Gaia but because it makes a lot of practical (the garden) and personal economic sense, and don't lose a moment's sleep about boarding a plane when I have to be somewhere where flying is the only real practical alternative.
«If an alternative scenario is practical, has multiple benefits, and makes good common sense, why are we not doing it?»
(iv) Where the court is not satisfied on the basis of the affidavit and the other evidence before it that the right to withhold inspection is established, it may: (a) conclude that the evidence does not establish a legal right to withhold inspection and order inspection; (b) order a further affidavit to deal with matters which the earlier affidavit does not cover or on which it is unsatisfactory; (c) inspect the documents (inspection should be a solution of last resort and should not be undertaken unless there is credible evidence that those claiming privilege have either misunderstood their duty, or are not to be trusted with the decision making, or there is no reasonably practical alternative); or (d) order crossexamination of a person who has sworn an affidavit (however, cross-examination may not be ordered in the case of an affidavit of documents.
In answering the follow - up question, what primary obstacles were preventing them from doing this, our respondents said they were to pressed for time, lacked sufficient funds to do so, were not in a position to make change, had difficulty finding alternatives, and needed more practical models to follow.
On the other hand, does it make sense for the EU and Quebec (and possibly others) to maintain their rule that consumers must have the right to sue, in the face of the practical impossibility of their doing so internationally, and at the expense of a viable alternative?
Though it doesn't include any fancy greyscale power - saving options, as found on the Samsung Galaxy S6, this is a dependable and practical alternative.
Since you don't want your resume to give your potential employer a migraine, keeping simple is a practical alternative.
A professional may be able to see solutions and alternatives that you didn't know about, and having a third party work with you can also help keep the conversation practical and stop unhelpful arguing.
Although we don't support waste, sometimes it's just not practical to carry around heavy metal cutlery so this is a great alternative.
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