Sentences with phrase «practical consequences»

There are also practical consequences of failing to have consistent disciplinary policies and procedures, generally communicated to all staff in written procedures, which are then consistently applied.
For good or for bad, philosophical ideas beat a path down the corridor of history: they have practical consequences in the way people live their lives.
One belief system is not more accurate or «true» than the other, but they can have different practical consequences.
Understanding how systems maintain themselves and how they change has very practical consequences that go to the heart of education for sustainable living.
The rising consciousness of women and the development of a «new theology» have numerous practical consequences for ongoing church life.
This recognition can have substantial practical consequences, for example whether or not treatment is reimbursed by insurance or in determining outcomes in court cases.
Again, it is unclear how this research implies practical consequences for teachers.
People can move on to a debt - free life at a fraction of the cost, with nominal practical consequence to future borrowing power.
But in those sectors where money is tight, the main practical consequence of this judgment is not to panic, at least not yet.
It's one of those questions that are of small practical consequence but great public interest.
Even if it was the father's decision to leave, he was often unprepared for the emotional and practical consequences where his children were concerned.
The lack of a tradition that has status in the university would have practical consequences of considerable importance.
Moreover, even small differences in measured effectiveness can have practical consequences for schools and teachers, depending on how these assessments are used.
No matter what side of the debate you fall on, it's hard to deny that there are real, practical consequences from the massive level of emailing we've witnessed in the 2014 cycle, especially around the September end - of - quarter deadline.
To be faithful to Wesley is to be as concerned about practical consequences in these respects as about continuity with tradition.
Yet even though the subject matter may be the mysteries of the Christian faith, the manner of contemplating them, speculative and impersonal, may still not transcend the natural plane, at least as far as practical consequences go.»
The recognition that it was through an event, and through that event as a whole, that God made Himself known in the characteristic way in which He is known within the Christian community — this recognition has certain practical consequences which I propose that we now consider.
I am aware that there are significant risks of practical consequences resulting from this, such as being detained regardless of law, however, I am interested in the legal aspect.
Among other practical consequences, this change will (1) expand the scope of what constitutes prior art and (2) phase out interference proceedings used to resolve disputes regarding who first invented a technology.
Joseph had a dream, and in the light of that dream he was invited to make an interpretation with enormous practical consequences.
His concern, evidently, is that demanding cheer is demeaning, exploitative and dehumanizing, but psychology blog Mind Hacks, which commented thoughtfully on Noah's piece, notes that forcing people to fake emotions also has negative practical consequences.
But for my purposes it is enough to say that the assumptions I have listed have many practical consequences when governments adopt policies oriented to economic growth on the basis of advice from neoliberal economists, or, indeed, many other economists who share this model.
Rather, at the very time that our Supreme Court effectively suppressed discussion of political questions it believed to be unhealthy and unacceptably divisive, France's citizens discussed the same questions in depth with strikingly positive practical consequences.
The unpublicized infighting of such people has had as much practical consequence at the schoolroom level as all the theoretical apparatus of the schools of education.
Reaser said it could have unforeseen practical consequences that could burden school districts and would not necessarily raise the quality of teachers in the classroom.
(Also, of course, forecasts in this range have immediate practical consequences.)
One key practical consequence of that was that no amount of over-lawyering in the contract, so that the parties could be said to have enshrined their agreement from which the court could not or should not depart, could ever properly shut out the factual context which the Supreme Court made clear is ubiquitously admissible when construing any amount of text.
In my view, a number of legal and practical consequences flow from the ABCA's approach in this case.
And, of course, because Nassar would have to live well past 100 to even have a chance of completing the current federal sentence he is serving, the particulars of his state sentence are not really of any significant practical consequence.
Case Digests are used to inform the reader of important recent legal developments, and to describe practical consequences of a holding.
Divorce can have unwanted practical consequences for pensions, Social Security benefits, taxes, insurance, estate law, medical decision - making, even hospital and nursing home visiting rights, among other things.
Discovering contradictions and «practical consequences which we feel to be absurd» are the tests of such principle and of facts, something which courts are very capable of, without having to define what in the world «common sense» means.
A shift from the service of economic growth to the service of Gaia, with a special concern for its human inhabitants, would have enormous practical consequences.
«If something is considered gambling, it needs to follow a very specific set of legislation, which has all kinds of practical consequences for the company that runs it.
The banks won't face any practical consequences from having admitted to committing felonies, however.
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