Sentences with phrase «practical difference»

The side profile is where we can make practical difference between these cars.
But in testing both models on my wrists for over a week, I found little practical difference between the two.
There are also practical differences in emphasis and methods between young puppies and older dogs, where I'd be more likely to restrict the movements of a young pup inside the house.
The point is, then, that, though various denominations still exist, it often makes little practical difference which one a man joins since they have so much essential unity.
Usually that historical aspect is just a fuel added to what are ultimately practical differences over tactics.
The only practical difference between text messaging and the traditional voice communications is the transmission process.
In the past it has become clear that there's little practical difference between the two versions of the phone and we certainly can't complain about the performance.
There are practical differences in cost, maintenance, terms, opportunities for financial offsets, and savings / returns on investment, depending on the financing decision that you make.
As it happens, it makes little practical difference, so we'll see a variety of approaches to control.
Starting January 1st the process of getting an FHA loan is scheduled to change, but will there be much practical difference for borrowers?
The main practical difference is that savings accounts have horrible interest rates, so while the debt snowball has a lot to do with interest rates, the savings snowball is more wholistic and focused on prioritizing and reaching goals.
The political narrative will go back to how Labour are in crisis... but whether that makes the slightest practical difference, I don't know.
«That's an enormous practical difference in terms of whether this is realistic for therapies or prophylaxis,» says Bjorkman, who is now working to include this antibody in clinical trials.
Why Climate Change Must Be Seen Essentially An Ethical Problem and What Practical Differences Follow From This.
Theorists are not surprised that, when group discussion has little «possibility of making a real practical difference,» the deliberation is less «critical and emancipatory» than they might wish (cf. Cohen 2007, p. 234; Rosenberg 2007a).
That said, as a general rule, the major practical difference between a C corporation and an LLC is that a C corp will pay corporate income taxes, while and LLC has partnership - style pass - through taxation.
It gets a similar joystick to the Alpha A9, a little addition that makes a big practical difference, and the rear has a similar control layout to the A9 too.
There appears to be very little practical difference between informing an employee that his or her contract will be terminated in 12 months» time (i.e. giving 12 months of working notice) and terminating the contract immediately but offering the employee a new employment opportunity for a period of up to 12 months.
With such a stalwart midrange SoC, buyers aren't likely to find much practical difference in performance between the A5 and the S7 or many other premium - tier Androids unless they frequently play games or use otherwise processing - intensive apps.
The main practical difference, though, between realization rate and profitability is due to the Leverage variable.
If you want to make the case that DRM is bad (and it may be) then put forward your quite cogent arguments for why it is (not that it really makes much practical difference), don't say things like «don't infect your file with DRM.»
And it makes no practical difference if it's called a «sale» or not: $ 59.99 is always a better deal than $ 67.99.
But it's hard to see a practical difference between this deal and the kind of tiered access that network neutrality advocates have long feared.»
«Delusion» can account for any feeling of being «correct,» which is why there is no practical difference in believing god exists but offers no measurable mechanism by which to prove it, and in believing that he doesn't exist.
In these cases the practical difference between biblicists and revisionists emerges.
In fact, over two thousand years of biblical interpretation, the Christian religion has proved to be ridiculously flexible, able to tolerate significant theological and practical differences without, you know, us having to say «farewell» to people who land on a different interpretation.»
The practical difference this makes is important.
It really is true that the result in Louisiana makes very little practical difference.
Today, when conservative and neoconservative is a distinction without a practical difference, Brookhiser suggests that it should not be forgotten when it comes to telling the history of the conservative ascendancy.
These three movements are not the same — they have both doctrinal and practical differences that can not be glossed over.
In essence very simple, requiring confession, contrition and satisfaction on behalf of the penitent before a Catholic priest withfaculties from his bishop, confession is the practical difference between heaven and hell.
Of course, the practical difference can not be ignored: Hindus are an overwhelming majority closely associated with political, economic and social power while Christians are less than 3 percent of the population without any realistic chance of economic and political influence at a national level.
So maybe despite all our theological differences, the practical differences are really not that far apart.
The odds will be smoothed out, minimizing the practical difference between, say, being the fourth - worst team in the league and the fifth - worst.
There is no practical difference for the state if you live there or not.
In fact, my main doubt about the proposal is is a different one: the worry would be that this could be done and make very little practical difference, ie not many more people than are the usual participants in a party ballot would actually take part.

Phrases with «practical difference»

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