Sentences with phrase «practical end»

From an early engrossment in practical ends it was compelled by force of circumstance to consider wider implications and values.
But so is «common sense», the co-ordination of everyday experience for practical ends.
Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, all have admiration for the self - sacrificing hero, but there is always some justifying practical end in view: the survival of the tribe, the avoidance of re-incarnation, and so forth.
Its so good to know that someone out there understands the need to fill the gap between class theories nd the practical end that determines the success of start ups.
For Berlin, to shape teaching and results to practical ends is always to fall short of the ideal of pure research.
That person who refuses to grow flowers because he can not fry rose petals in the fat of swine is a person who would, upon embracing the Christian faith, turn everything to practical ends: prayers help insomniacs, Bible reading settles nerves, clean living and honesty pay dividends, and church attendance wards off Communism.
The resulting modification of the symbols served the practical end of better adaptation to, and control over, the environment.
To employ the Casimir effect to practical ends, one would have to use advanced technology to place the parallel plates at a fantastically small distance apart — 10 — 33 centimeter, the Planck length (the smallest measurement of length with any meaning).
On the practical end, the study may help software designers create more compelling virtual realities.
The inquisitive souls who have made it into the academic science world will find no shortage of practical ends for even esoteric types of research — the curative applications are celebrated in this month's issue.
Keasling spent his childhood immersed in the practical end of biology, chemistry, and engineering — he was raised on a farm.
As soon as art becomes tied down to any practical end or use, its appeal slips.
Newly published research, case studies, enhanced tools and templates, scores of «test - your - knowledge» self - evaluation quizzes, and dozens of practical end - of - chapter exercises all work together to make this a resource that you'll want to have on your desk.
While the Bentley is at the practical end of the GT spectrum, the Ferrari is at the other, where GT blurs into supercar.
Hans is an addict, but a failure in his father's eyes only because Hans has used his mathematical genius to a practical end.
That means understanding the practical end of things — agents, marketers, and editors have kids to feed and lives to live.
The pieces were recorded at a summit on energy options through 2030, held at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics earlier this year (which I'm thrilled to see has been working on the practical end of physics, too, by hosting this and previous events).
The result may be that some of these LPP graduates may not have been well versed in an academic setting but may very well excel at the practical end of things.
Owing to a volunteer position (a necessary part of the degree program), I am somewhat familiar with the practical end of looking after the specific needs of preschool children.
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