Sentences with phrase «practical feedback at»

Professional editors and literary agents provide practical feedback at conference appointments and at other events throughout the year.

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We would look at the realities of the classroom, practical advice on class management, curriculum planning, time management, marking and feedback and subject knowledge for teaching.
You'll also choose among more than 50 practical workshops, for educators at all levels, devoted to topics like school transformation, change leadership, inspirational feedback, cultivating student autonomy, building collaborative school culture, and reframing classroom instruction to inspire learning like never before.
At DLA Piper, Ross has trained all levels of associates, who provide feedback about his tips and instruction, such as: «Practical.
The previous Student issue of LAWPRO Magazine got great feedback, so there is clearly a desire by students and new lawyers to have practical content aimed at their unique needs as they head into the world of practice.
Beyond using this to help with counsel selection, we're regularly asked to present this «voice of the client» data and feedback at law firm retreats and in - house meetings — it can offer a very practical view of what works and what doesn't.
This allows me to provide practical tools and feedback that you can use at home, as well as go beyond the anger and hurt to find out what each person is really wanting and needing from the relationship.
I am also an active therapist, which means I provide you with direct feedback, practical strategies and at times homework.
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