Sentences with phrase «practical levels»

A win by the plaintiffs, says the Globe, «would dismantle a federal statute that affects more than 1,000 marriage - related benefits, and it would be a huge victory on symbolic and practical levels for supporters of same - sex marriage.»
The two decades leading up to the creation of the Ontario Court (Provincial Division) were full of change, on societal, legal and practical levels.
CO2 isn't pollution and at the practical levels we can drive it too I'm not sure there is any risk of negative effects.
This plays out on the most practical levels — from hiring decisions to professional development choices to departmental budgets.
I'm looking for a self - secure man with strong arms who can stimulate me on an emotional, intellectual, spiritual, physical and practical levels....
As the benefits of bee pollen, boost testosterone levels naturally with supplements can restore crucial areas of the body to normal practical levels, so elderly men no longer need to relegate themselves to the age related woes of decreased testosterone levels.
Seligman signals his doubts at both the theoretical and practical levels.
It wants to solve the world's energy dilemma on a practical level, not just a theoretical one.
Deciding how the primary care doctor is going to develop his relationship with other providers within this Links model, who's going to be in charge, those questions are difficult ones to work through on a practical level
On a practical level, that means looking up from a skimpy résumé and seeing possibility, being open to how an applicant's experiences are signposts of strength.
At a practical level, EU-U.S. cooperation is the status quo for now.
On a practical level, there's little distinction between a consultant and an employee — both contribute to a startup in much the same manner on a day - to - day basis.
On a practical level, this method generally takes more time, fundamental data about the true undervalue of a company can take time to get attention within the share trading world, even years.
At a practical level, it means that when @patsmith contacts you on Twitter, you immediately know whether Pat is a customer or not and what Pat asked about the last time you talked.
On a very practical level, our prisons are so overcrowded that officials are cutting sentences to free up cell space.
The Law or general biblical principles can never decide individual cases justly because there are always mitigating circumstances calling for compassionate mercy on the practical level.
On a practical level, how do you think the Party Party can make discourse more civil and optimistic?
What might on a philosophical level be God's timing is on a practical level the publisher's timing.
The new biblicism shows itself at both a theoretical and a practical level.
How do you respond to disasters like these on a practical level?
Among numerous non-Catholic constructive responses to last Year's Islamic Open Letter «A Common Word» the Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow and Russia, Alexy II, has suggested that future dialogue be «on the doctrinal level, on important questions like God, Man and the world... and (on the practical level) on the defence of the role of religion in social life, the opposition of xenophobia and intolerance (and) the promotion of common initiatives for peace»
On a very practical level, celebrate your friends» ambitions in tangible ways.
When new concerns arise at the practical level, some activists become aware of the metaphysical depths.
but on a very practical level, as a mom of two young children, I have to ask — What in the world do you do with the kids, who I'm sure would disrupt the whole thing (at least mine would, to be sure)?
As this is discussed theoretically (and under the guidance of the Spirit), it could be helpful for theologians to be aware that, on the practical level, these issues are linked to communication theories and technologies that have transformed organizational patterns in our day.
And on a practical level, it offers wonderfully shrewd advice, for those who will but ponder it, on how to use the opposition's premises against the opposition's argument.
At the practical level what changed many of us — certainly me — was the 1968 encyclical Humanae vitae on birth regulation.
On the most immediate, practical level, these men saw the necessity of protecting the free conscience from its own tyrannical tendencies, which protection they achieved by separating the power of religious establishments from the power of the state.
On a more practical level, there is the problem of actually putting philosophical ideas to work in the classroom.
Like all great artistic ideas, the fences worked on more than just a practical level.
These developments have challenged policy makers and religious leaders at a very practical level.
On a purely practical level, Britain is a crowded island compared to the USA.
We are processing these 280 pages that cover events from the 1960s through the present on both an emotional as well as practical level, and ask for your patience and prayers at this time.
That's me covered everything that I am supposed to cover in this talk, but if you will indulge me I'd like to finish by talking about marriage at a less theoretical and a more practical level.
On a very practical level, proper care for our bodies requires us to also care for the earth.
Can her principles really work on a practical level?
On the practical level, however, it did require compromise as the dialogue at the Council proceeded.
On a practical level, since we're in the middle of that and we can't really see what God is doing, how do we live in light of that reality?
Fears and concerns over the threat of attacks from such extremists tend to overshadow the wider and deeper questions about how Christians, and Catholics in particular, should relate to Islam as a religion and to Muslim neighbours and acquaintances on a personal and practical level.
On the other hand, Naess may underestimate the tensions involved at the practical level where he hopes for cooperative work.
In a practical level, how does part of a church that wants women to be pastors get along with the part of the church that does not?
And it is not true, even on a practical level, that the choice must be a stark either / or — the needs of blacks or women, the poor or women (especially since at least half of the blacks and the poor are women).
Grace, then, is what holds the whole together on the physical and practical level of day - to - day functioning — not from outside, as in the Carolingians» understanding, but as a potential for order within the physical world itself.
Yet, on a practical level, women are understandably tired of being told to wait until more pressing needs are met; they are skeptical that the «later» moment may never arrive.
And they are losing ground because, at the practical level, evangelicals are realizing that complementarianism doesn't actually promote complementary relationships, but rather hierarchal ones.
Of course we don't want that (on a theoretical level) BUT it can be so much easier (on a practical level), so we ignore the comatose collective and come to expect (and deliver) the feigned agreement.
At the practical level, many openly dissenting Catholic theologians traipse around the country and the world giving talks to (aging) groups of dissenters, and do so with impunity.
If u stop and think a moment, it might make a little sense for you, even on merely a practical level.
Over the past few years, I've come to question the notion that the Bible can be inerrant on a practical level if it must always be interpreted by an errant reader.
On a practical level, it means coffee buyers (importers, roasters, and consumers) will have some objective benchmark (the Q coffee score) indicating the quality of the coffee, as well as the flavor profile.
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