Sentences with phrase «practical opportunities»

Make the most of practical opportunities to listen and learn.
A focus for the program is getting students involved in hands - on, real - life learning, and providing them with practical opportunities to explore the capacity of information systems.
At the earliest practical opportunity and in all cases, before an offer is accepted.
So you can expect plenty of practical opportunities to put your new abilities to the test and see the difference you can make.
This second offering deals with the first practical opportunity for changing businesses under LSA 2007, namely legal disciplinary practices (LDPs); the third will look at the ultimate in opening up of the legal services market, alternative business structures (ABSs).
This was true domestically as well as internationally, and Graham's story illustrates how practical opportunity can shape a religious organization's implicit political ideology.
This seminar will demystify public capital and identify practical opportunities for improvements in its management and deployment.
At Activate Learning we believe that students should be able to correlate the skills they are learning to practical opportunities on leaving education.
«As a rising senior in college, interested in transformative education but oblivious to the extensive practical opportunities, I looked to the STF program for answers — and I got them!
While most returning third - year law students» schedules are set for the semester, there's still time to harness practical opportunities this year.
This is a perfect chance for you to give your kids practice with their fractions, and you will find that it is a very practical opportunity for them to learn how it works to divide fractions even smaller.
When no sales happened, and the candidate elected to leave at the first practical opportunity, the brokerage owner put a mortgage on the candidate's house, and oh, yes — had the candidate sign a non-compete reinforce document just in case the rep decided to reinvent the wheel and join up again in the near future, elsewhere.
What all but a fringe of parents do agree on is that (whatever its content) there is, indeed, an order of right behavior; and in that reassurance the child is provided his practical opportunity to commit to and undertake the search within his own world.
This is a convenient and practical opportunity to learn the Alexander Technique.
HMDT are delighted to present a variety of activities and creative, practical opportunities that will allow your students to engage with this year»...
Anthony McVerry, head of secondary department at Abbot's Lea School, commented: «By strengthening our links within the community, we are giving students the practical opportunity to demonstrate the skills and understanding they have gained over the years, whilst also giving something back to people in need.»
Practical opportunities to make and create things enable students to apply their knowledge from across the curriculum, showing its relevance and helping them to see how their learning can be used.
Practical opportunities of sharing and applying knowledge should be provided to ascertain the effectivity of learning.
Practical opportunities are explored, and participants create plans including implementation and evaluation.
No practical opportunities for advancement within the dealer either as you mentioned.
German ethnographers took advantage of this «practical opportunity», treating the camp like a living museum.
I am inclined to endorse that interest, while believing too that these books offer a real and practical opportunity for us as curators and writers to include more examples, of a wider range of works, in any story of British sculpture.
Take Google for example.They recognise the importance of work / life balance and offer recreational, entrepreneurial and practical opportunities to support the professional and personal development of their employees.
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