Sentences with phrase «practical possibility»

Researchers still aren't certain exactly why less sleep equals potential weight gain, but there are a few practical possibilities.
But, in general, he was speaking up for the option and practical possibilities of a «true» Catholic Christianity, and against the sinful Christian vices of the (Christian) rulers and citizens of the day by showing the «natural» virtues of «good pagans» (who, incidentally, he depicted as practising euthanasia, an option for «reasonable» men unenlightened by Christian faith) in his imaginary faraway republic.
«It's a practical possibility that we could have it for companies that are looking to do this kind of expansion,» he says.
It was, however, studying some of the writings of Mahatma Gandhi and his teaching on ahimsa and satyagraha that helped me to see the practical possibilities of non-violence, which were also used to such good effect by Martin Luther King, who was himself deeply influenced by Gandhi.
The Gospel precepts, on the whole, differ from those in the Epistles in making no attempt to accommodate Christian obligation to the practical possibilities of the human situation.
The history of compromise shows the reluctance of the church to give in completely to imperial values, but the course of events is not reassuring with respect to the practical possibility for those who have political responsibilities to be disciples of Jesus.
A church of friends, a world of compassion without domination or privilege, winners or loser — we dismiss that as impossible because our imaginations, conditioned by unexamined political and economic assumptions, can not grasp it as a practical possibility.
The embryos could be stored or destroyed, they could be used for experiments, they could be bought and sold, they could be put on display, they could — at least in theory if not yet in practical possibility — be inserted into any woman's womb, with or without her full knowledge or consent.
It remains, however, a practical possibility in many placed.
This of course does not mean that man lacks insight into the practical possibilities of his conduct and its consequences, which is drawn from empirical precedents.
There are basically two practical possibilities - taxes from labour, or taxes from consumption.
But, for most women, the reproductive revolution has «taken it from the realm of utopia to practical possibility,» says MacInnes.
«We demonstrated a practical possibility to use nanocomposites to control surface wave propagation through advanced additive manufacturing.
Charter conversion is not an option in the 11 states that lack charter laws, nor is it a practical possibility for more than a few schools in the several states with caps on the number of charters available (see «The Cure,» what next, Fall 2006).
The collector terminates the collection because there is no practical possibility that the employee will provide the requisite amount in the next 10 minutes.
I have to write the book first, of course, but this hub has helped me consolidate the idea and see it as a practical possibility.
As the digital revolution alters the cost of ubiquitous access to information, and provides the material basis for every consumer of information to be a producer, the practical possibilities inherent in the current media landscape are now at odds with decades (and in some cases centuries) of assumptions about how expertise and authority interact.
I want to apply my skills and knowledge during the internship program to help understand the practical possibilities available and provide any kind of engineering or technical assistance to the organization or its processes.
The Full Court noted that there were only two practical possibilities: that the Yawuru have «imperialistically» taken over the Djugan areas or that, in accordance with the common traditional laws and customs of the two clans, the Yawuru have succeeded to the northern part of the Yawuru claim area over time, as the Djugan have reduced in numbers.
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