Sentences with phrase «practical view of»

This has provided me with a deep insight and a practical view of the problems the people are facing in their contemporary times, with regards to their professional and personal life.
Carla is a professional and a parent, with a creative, fun and practical view of living and working!
Beyond using this to help with counsel selection, we're regularly asked to present this «voice of the client» data and feedback at law firm retreats and in - house meetings — it can offer a very practical view of what works and what doesn't.
The story format delivers a practical view of social - emotional behavior in school, at home and in the community.
I am graduating from Two Rivers with a practical view of the world.
In a simple and quick description, this is mainly referred as Marxism - Leninism or orthodox - Marxism, or «the practical view of Marx's ideas».
People have a practical view of it, not a national view.
And see, e.g., the discussion of the objectives of the ministry in A Practical View of the Common Causes of Inefficiency in the Christian Ministry of the Congregational and Presbyterian Churches of the United States.
She's a former bond trader with a nuanced and practical view of the space but an optimistic outlook for the implications and possible deployments of blockchain tech.
``... That is not to say that evangelical Christians will never have theologically informed moral and practical views of dating and romance, business dealings, emotions, gender identities and relations, and parenting,» he says.

Not exact matches

Rather than another 60,000 - foot view of social media, he's collected a series of practical tips that you can apply immediately to get your message out and acquire new customers.
Meanwhile, the whole idea of regulating TV in the first place is becoming less practical in an age of online viewing and cord - cutting.
While thought provoking, the real value of the book comes from the practical, templated framework the authors provide for designing your own category that includes a clear articulation of the problem at hand, creating a memorable name for a category, and developing a unique point of view about the current and future of the category.
Not only will it help you take a more strategic view of human resources, but it's also filled with practical tips that you can start using right away.»
To teach me how to transition properly from an academic point of view to a practical business point of view.How has being part of the Kode With Klossy community transformed your experience of learning to code?
So the competition offered by sovereign bonds to gold — the other save haven investment — is basically gone from a practical point of view for people who will hold gold or bonds.
Practical introduction to digital currencies: In depth view of how the system works, how it stays secure and what incentives are in play to maintain it functional and growing.
From a practical point of view, the most important change is the adoption of an «acquisitions» approach to the measurement of housing costs, which will have the effect of removing mortgage interest rates from the index.
The practical consequence of this view is that our congregation has been celebrating same - sex marriages for almost two decades.
The importance of the changes that have taken place in economics largely since the Keynesian revolution does not lie principally in the many new practical devices and theoretical discoveries that have been made, but in the picture of human nature implicit in the newer views.
-LSB-...] Caritas in Veritate has real literary and practical flaws -LSB-...] yet, viewed in the light of Benedict's earlier encyclicals, Caritas in Veritate can be seen as one long call to conversion -LSB-... requiring] «new eyes and a new heart, capable of rising above a materialistic vision of human events.»
There are two practical implications of this view that need to be addressed.
This is the second post in our series, One In Christ: A Week of Mutuality, dedicated to discussing an egalitarian view of gender — including relevant biblical texts and practical applications.
This series is dedicated to discussing an egalitarian view of gender — including relevant biblical texts and practical applications.
And for them experiences such as «cat - on - mat sighting» have a double aspect, able at once to engender and (in view of imprinted practical policies) to justify suitable beliefs.
From Peirce's claim that we can make our ideas clear by considering their conceivable practical effects, to James's notion of truth's cash value in experiential terms, to Dewey's own view of the practical character of reality, the message seems to be that philosophy has more to offer than a therapeutic stance toward social issues and a rhetorical presentation of new suggestions.
From a purely practical point of view, they appear to do the job.
Once again we see him at a crucial point beg off from any consideration of the practical implications of his views.
Although on the theoretical side the Muslim philosophers certainly seemed to be anti-Islamic, at least in some of their views, on the practical side they were true Muslims, insofar as we can gather from their biographies.
As we saw when we considered the application of this view to education, it runs into practical failures which show that something must be wrong.
The exceptions to this view, which we find in Matthew 5:32,19:9, and Luke 16:18, represent the practical needs of the early church modifying Jesus» clear position stated here.
I'm afraid I'm with Willard Quine in taking a dim view of thought experiments that for both theoretical and practical reasons seem utterly fantastical.
On the other hand, there is capitalism which, in its practical aspect, at the level of its basic principles, would be acceptable from the point of view of the Church's social teaching, since in various ways it is in conformity with the natural law....
For example, people reading this exchange with a view to assessing the validity of Madden's criticisms of my position and the soundness of my rebuttal are acting on one of practical reason's per se nota first principles» namely, that intellectual understanding of matters such as those under discussion is something worth having and expending time and effort to achieve.
This is the tenth post in our series, One In Christ: A Week of Mutuality, dedicated to discussing an egalitarian view of gender — including relevant biblical texts and practical applications.
In the end, however, Feezell's moderate view (which leans toward the «conservative view») is not too much different in practical effect from my or Hartshorne's moderate view (which leans toward the «liberal view») in that I am only delivering a carte blanche for abortion in the early stages of pregnancy and pointing out that the fetus in the later stages of pregnancy has a moral status analogous to that of an animal, a status which I think deserves considerable attention on our part.
Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, all have admiration for the self - sacrificing hero, but there is always some justifying practical end in view: the survival of the tribe, the avoidance of re-incarnation, and so forth.
In practical terms then what you would describe as a gnostic theist would be one who would, say have an ineerant view of scripture.
From the point of view of practical religion, the metaphysical monster which they offer to our worship is an absolutely worthless invention of the scholarly mind.
The ACOG guidelines implicitly view ethics as a matter of private emotion and sentiment, rather than as common rationality and shared practical wisdom.
Political activity encourages a «limitation of view, which appears so clear and practical, but which amounts to little more than a mental fog.»
For practical purposes the policies adopted in most countries assume this view of human beings and of the natural world.
In its desire for openness of mind and for adjustment to the trends and needs of the day, Modernism, both in its theological and practical forms, has intentionally or unconsciously adopted a philosophy and a world - view which are dramatically out of accord with the character of religion and of Christianity in particular.
A second practical implication of this view is that it can relax anxiety about God's judgment of us.
Nor, in his view, do pastors fare much better in the parish, where they find themselves awash in books detailing the success stories of particular ministers and congregations and in practical how - to - do - it manuals on everything from evangelism to stewardship generated out of programmatic approaches to questions of growth, size and organizational effectiveness.
This is the fifth post in our series, One In Christ: A Week of Mutuality, dedicated to discussing an egalitarian view of gender — including relevant biblical texts and practical applications.
This is the third post in our series, One In Christ: A Week of Mutuality, dedicated to discussing an egalitarian view of gender — including relevant biblical texts and practical applications.
However, the first workers in this field, such as Haldane and Fisher from the theoretical point of view, and biologists such as Timofeef - Ressovsky, Dubinin and others, in practical field investigations, were still thinking mainly in terms of individual genes.
In spite of the environmental concern of many scientific authors who follow either a hard or soft naturalism, their theoretical (if not practical) acquiescence in the essentially hopeless view of a universe can not inspire the trust in life needed for lasting ethical aspiration.
Natural Law and Practical Reason: A Thomist View of Moral Autonomy.
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