Sentences with phrase «practice important study»

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It covers Facebook Video 101, Facebook Video best practices, and case studies you can follow to better understand the important of Facebook Video to your business.
Whereas Australia has made Asia an important focus of its national curriculum, Canada, where education is a provincial matter, could follow the model practiced in the US, where a network of universities across the country acts as hubs for teachers to deepen their understanding of Asian geography, history, social studies and arts, so they can introduce that content into their classrooms.
It is in regard to a school's own identity and ethos that its governance practices can have the most important implications for its course of study.
I'm catching up on news items from last week and wanted to share an important new study from The Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity regarding how parents view food industry marketing practices targeted toward their children, a study... [Continue reading]
Another strength is that our results provide a more complete assessment of socioeconomic inequalities in breastfeeding rates, by estimating both relative and absolute inequalities, than common practice in inequality assessments.23 Finally, our study analysed effects of the intervention not only on an immediate, direct outcome (breastfeeding) but also on a long - term consequence of breastfeeding (child cognitive ability) that is associated with important health and behavioural outcomes in later life.27
Although in this study information on breastfeeding practice was reliant upon maternal recall at 9 months, breastfeeding figures are in agreement with data collected prospectively in the UK Infant Feeding Survey conducted in 2000.32 Likewise, the validity of maternal recall of the circumstances of pregnancy and delivery has been shown to be accurate.33 We were unable to adjust for maternal intention to breastfeed at antenatal booking, a factor shown to be important in previous studies34 as this information was not collected in the survey.
Although magazines may not be the «most important» source of information on child - rearing practices, as the study authors suggest, they are a ubiquitous source that experts agree have the potential to influence parents.
One of the most interesting and important things I have discovered in studying human development is that parenting practices are cultural.
Important elements of study in this field include the definition, education, practices, identities, and knowledge systems of midwives.
Therefore, future studies should conduct qualitative research among focus groups or individuals from multiple practices to gain insight into other important aspects.
In general, this study also shows how important it is to balance moderate farming practices with the protection of forests.
And, important to note, studies have shown that far more head impacts occur during football practice drills than during games.
«But it is going to be really important to replicate these findings,» says Lord, who has studied the disorder for 40 years and has been instrumental in developing autism diagnostic instruments used in practice and research worldwide.
«Despite important progress on CERP implementation, there has been insufficient attention on refining long - term systemwide goals and objectives and on the need to adapt CERP to radically changing system and planning constraints,» said David B. Ashley, professor of engineering practice at the University of Southern California and chair of the committee that conducted the study and wrote the report.
In this installment, I summarise the most important principles of some of these studies and show you how they can work in practice.
This study underlines how important it is for all countries to embrace the WHO global action plan and put it into practice,» said Dr Oleg Chestnov, Assistant Director - General for Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health.
«As ocean oxygen content declines and acidity increases in California waters it will become increasingly important to incorporate these changes into fisheries management practices,» says Scripps Institution of Oceanography researcher Lisa Levin, Sato's advisor and a study coauthor.
Their study reveals important information about irrigation strategies for growers and includes recommendations that can inform management practices.
«Involving the GP practices in the Salford Lung Study allowed the team to create an unsupervised environment for the patients, enabling important factors in usual clinical care — such as adherence, frequency of dosing and persistence of good inhaler technique — to rightly influence the trial outcomes.
Differences in practice patterns between male and female physicians, as suggested in previous studies, may have important clinical implications for patient outcomes.
Practice and study are equally important.
Third, there is, perhaps, the most important evidence of all, the clinical experiences of the practicing physicians who I had come to know...» How foolish were his critics to think that a diet touted in a book titled «The China Study» was supposed to be based on that sStudy» was supposed to be based on that studystudy!
Learn more about this important biomarker and preliminary studies on how it is affected by yoga practice.
To further practice the yogic science with excellence, it is important to study various internal and external layers of the human science with reference to yoga.
Studies are still being conducted to discover more benefits of the aloe plant that will undoubtedly make it even more important in the medicinal practices of cultures all around the world.
We believe that it is important to study this relation in future research in order to identify whether sole implementation of educational practices, regardless of teachers personal attitudes can contribute to the development of positive attitudes of students towards diversity or it is absolutely necessary that teachers attitudes be positive.
The book gives examples of how researchers and practitioners can understand and connect more directly to leadership practice, and how studying the day - to - day practice of leadership is important for those interested in improving schools.
The study found it is important for prekindergarten teachers to adopt a child - centered instructional approach rather than an academically directed approach or a combination of academic and child - centered practices.
Case studies usually contain important facts, stats, or tips to help employees translate theory into practice, as well as emphasize the benefits of completing their interpersonal skills online training.
Better understand vendor ratings, best practices, and ROI studies in important markets like competency - based education tools, learning management systems, and online program management solutions.
The team of us think this is something that's very important actually that's come from the study, that in order to be able to write a story for those later literacy practices in school, actually you need to be able to think about a story, you need to be able to imagine a story.
These tests help students understand one of the myriad reasons it is important to study vocabulary, and how these practice tests provide me with a great source of data to measure student growth.
Given this evolving context, it is more important now than ever to prepare social studies teachers to cultivate and support students» civic practices in school.
This information packed guide provides an important look at reading, writing, talking, and word study, while succinctly describing research - based instructional practices for high - impact literacy teaching.
The researchers noted, however, that «the relationships here are correlational, not causal,» and the finding could be at odds with another finding from the study.13 Separately, the VAL - ED principal performance assessment (developed with support from The Wallace Foundation) measures principals on community and parent engagement.14 Vanderbilt researchers who developed the assessment are undertaking further study on how important this practice is in affecting students, achievement.
The findings in this study show that personal history plays an important role in the teacher candidates» perceptions of VS. Because they all had some form of experience with online or distance education courses, they had misconceptions and preconceptions that resulted in concerns about VS. It was necessary, therefore, to address these inaccurate ideas and to help the teacher candidates modify their preconceptions by allowing them to go through the field experience virtually and placing them with an exemplary VS teacher with whom they could observe good practice.
Although I focus on geospatial technology integration in a social studies context, the bulk of these activities could be easily modified to suit the needs of other content areas, because the knowledge that can be gleaned about communities and the world at large is important for any type of culturally responsive practice, not only within social studies education.
As apparent from the range of studies conducted over recent years, the integration of technology into ELA instructional practice is an increasingly important area of emphasis that warrants the field's attention.
The report also highlights the previous NNSTOY study's findings that adjunct or clinical faculty with recent PK - 12 teaching experience were seen as more effective at connecting research to practice than other professors; this report notes that serving in this key connecting role may be an important career path to consider for teacher leaders.
So I think that the study findings and the important work that Nicole and other teachers are trying to do in schools requires us to think deeply about what are the policies and procedures and practices that we have in place and how are those being applied to the schools that we serve?
Factors considered important to the reform included the following: (a) meeting for 1 hour a week in study groups; (b) meeting in cross-grade groups; (c) reflecting on teaching in study groups; (d) considering research - based «best practices» in study groups; (e) completing action plans in study groups; (f) selecting substantive topics for study; (g) maintaining topics over time; (h) meeting as a whole faculty once a month to discuss reform efforts; (i) working on parent partnerships and making effective use of the external facilitator; and (j) making effective use of the internal leadership team.
Equally important, studies have found that teachers» participation in the National Board process stimulates improvements in their practice.
Articles on case studies and best practices will be highlighted, as well as a Washington report with important information on key legislative and regulatory issues.
This can involve attention to some important period in the over two - thousand - year - long history of the subject or a study of more recent debates; and in tutorials and written work you acquire by practice the skill of advancing cogent and informed arguments of your own...
There have been all sorts of academic studies and formulas that demonstrate why diversification is important, but it's really just the simple practice of «not putting all your eggs in one basket.»
These winds of change from old school thinking patterns to the current procedures being practiced today began with an important study conducted in 1987 which concluded that neutering dogs and cats much earlier than the traditional puberty or old age period had no ill effects.
Michael Cai, head of Interpret's videogame practice, stated «The insights found in these studies hold important implications for game developer and publishers, technology companies, and media companies.»
One of the most unique aspects of studying art history at an art school was that I was required to develop my own artistic practice through hours of drawing classes, performance art classes, photography studios, and so on, which allowed me a much more intimate understanding of the artistic process — but it was also important to be surrounded by other ambitious creators.
The survey is based on decades of student engagement research and generates important data on how students engage with their academic studies and faculty, co-curricular activities, and best educational practices, including high - impact practices.
The most important influences to shape the art of both Gorky and Pollock were Picasso, during the phase of surrealist terribilita, leading to the Guernica studies, and Miro, whose innovations are also influenced by surrealist practices.
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