Sentences with phrase «practice life»

This said, in practice life insurance companies tend to be well — regulated and depend on their reputation which ensures consumer confidence when investing.
Instead, we tried to explain to students that we were practicing life skills necessary for success.
She says that being raised by a father and mother who never allowed her to consume soda or white bread helped to inspire the life and practices she lives by today.
Where are you guarding space for your kids to practice living into their own personal power by making decisions for themselves... even if they get it wrong the first time?
Join me in the studio, practice LIVE classes with me online, join me on retreat or practice with me at an upcoming event.
She is only seventeen but knows more about the practice of yoga than most people who have been practicing a life time.
If she would allow the team to participate, she could do more, could have the time to learn more and could have a richer practice life.
Students will practice life drawing skills in this self - guided, self - paced class.
Although I've been practicing a life of wellness for nearly 10 years, my preferences for everything from food products to skincare has absolutely evolved, but there is one product that remains to be one of my personal favorites.
Alӱs's itinerant practice lives on as stories but also in the photographs, videos, paintings, drawings and texts the artist creates during his working process.
When I teach about practicing life at table, I ask learners to compare two meals which I set before them: a fast - food hamburger meal and the bread and cup of the Lord's Supper.
To stress - test your budget, he suggested practicing living off an amount equal to your guaranteed sources of retirement income for at least six months, including pensions, Social Security, annuities or — for the lucky few — trust funds.
The point, of course, is not that you must learn to make amazing, healthy pizza, but that as a health and wellness professional, you must practice living deeply and passionately, have fun, and eat, rest, and move joyfully.
Playful, adventuresome experiences that engage both mind and body are how we learn best, he told a rapt audience at the recent Powerful Learning Practice Live conference in Philadelphia.
In this study, FairTest evaluates how well state assessment practices live up to this promise.
Chat with the author of the new book Breathing Love: Meditation in Action about the spiritual practice of living love and what it means to take our me
Run some figures on one of the multitude of online mortgage calculators and then practice living that way — if your rent is less than your projected mortgage payment, send the difference to savings.
Exhibitions, museum programming and interpretive materials encourage visitors to experience, investigate, understand and participate in the creative practice living artists undertake to make new site - specific, room - sized works called installations.
Can you guess which city is in the lead right now?Additionally, electronic transactions may cut down of some waste (please tell the cashier you don't need any paper receipt with your purchase), but all of us in our personal lives need to practice living sustainably by living within our means and resources.
Discovering What Excites (and Sometimes Concerns) Me in My Solo Practice Life as a -LSB-...]
«Yoda», «Guru», «Dalai Lama» are titles frequently given to Jay Foonberg, because of his wisdom and because he shares and teaches his wisdom to all lawyers seeking help with their daily practice life.
In practice life annuities are not paid continuously.
United States About Blog SGI - USA is an American lay Buddhist organization practicing the life - affirming philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism.
Teens practice their life skills while refining them in an interactive themed environment.
I am practicing living with a paradigm shift made clear to me by taking courses from the Northwest Earth Institute (NWEI).
Brian's key to high frequency living is straightforward: practice a life of virtue and integrity.
Finally, practice living on your post-retirement income before you leave the work world.
Efficiency is something we strive for every day in practice life.
(You have to know that you will have to do it all over after them, but they get to practice life skills so it's well worth it!)
(Luther and Barth at times reflect such a double standard, and many Christians in practice live by a separation of religion from daily life.)
His writings will endure and the many institutions that looked to him for guidance will continue to practice the life of the kingdom in the ways he commended.
Parents are responsible for modelling, teaching and and creating space to practice the life skills they will need to embody as adults.
They both appreciate and practice life - long learning and have a highly developed sense for aesthetics.
There's no better way to practice living in the moment or «being present» than by taking a walk, hike, or bike ride, whether it be simply around the neighborhood or with a particular challenging goal in mind.
Practice living in the moment.
Even if we're not ready to commit to such a big gulp 24/7, practicing living in truth during our soulful Sunday time is a great place to practice.
It is no surprise that a yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India is the first to cross everybody's mind when it comes to practicing this life - altering science.
The mystery is where the magic of the practice lives.
Many skinny people suffer as they practice a life way beneath the standard routines.
She adds, «I think this relaxation was really important for me to be able to begin my practice life feeling fresh and ready to work hard.»
It has to be practiced live to be understood.
«Furthermore, it fulfilled Dewey's demand that education should be «life itself» and not merely a preparation for future living; what could be «a better preparation for later life than practice living it now?
Now, if you move to Brooklyn and drive every day, you'll quickly find that fast parallel parking is a critical, oft - practiced life skill.
But, if one can practice living a frugal and simple life, they can avoid wasting their money.
Just about every day in my practice life we encounter dogs with gastrointestinal problems.
· Incorporating our core values into our day to day practice life.
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