Sentences with phrase «practice of breastfeeding»

More specifically, they are interested in the attitudes, beliefs, and practices of breastfeeding within specific cultures.
«Early and often,» is a phrase that is frequently used to describe the optimal practice of breastfeeding.
Therefore further study is expected to improve the scale of practice of breastfeeding support for PHN.
It illuminates a unique and compelling anthropological perspective on the lived, embodied practices of breastfeeding with particular emphasis upon the complex moral dilemmas related to breastfeeding and sleep practices.»
Dot has also done much in our field to educate families as well as other health care workers who serve babies, young children and their parents about the benefits and best practice of breastfeeding.
These aforementioned factors lead to the development of hurdles (much like steeplechases) which curtail the practice of breastfeeding among mothers.
Your doctor or midwife can counsel you about the principles and practice of breastfeeding.
[1] However, since the middle 1960s there has been a steady resurgence in the practice of breastfeeding in Canada and the US, especially among more educated, affluent women.
I really prepared myself on the best practices of breastfeeding and all about the importance of that early latch when they are first born.
The World Health Organization and UNICEF have for many years emphasized the importance of maintaining the practice of breastfeeding, and of reviving the practice where it is in decline, as a way to improve the health and nutrition of infants and young children.
As a place where tradition reigns supreme, there are many ideologies and viewpoints surrounding the practice of breastfeeding.
But she feels that most women who adopt the slogan and the practice of breastfeeding their children have not clearly understood «why» breastfeeding their children is best, and are therefore more prone to abandon the practice under the cultural pressure
Our interview included the socio - demographic, prenatal and natal information about mothers and newborns, as well as information related to mothers» knowledge and practices of breastfeeding.
To promote and protect the practice of breastfeeding, many countries have implemented policies that restrict corporate marketing strategies targeting mothers.
In fact, I see it as truly one of the most beautiful things in the world and I celebrate the practice of breastfeeding wholly and without reservation.
A member of the European Parliament (MEP) has urged fellow politicians to support his objections to new rules on the marketing of baby foods, formulas and foods for special medical purposes in a vote today, which he says fails to safeguard the practice of breastfeeding.
«While we found that most employers were tolerant, and at least attempted to be flexible in the permitting of pumping milk in the workplace, none were proactive in the sense of encouraging the practice of breastfeeding,» Majee said.
To confirm criterion - related validity, items from the Practice of Breastfeeding Support Scale (PBSS)[14], which assesses individual and family support by PHN, were selected for analysis.
We developed a Practice of Breastfeeding Support Scale (PBSS) questionnaire for PHN based on the results of a previous study [20].
Together with the practices of breastfeeding, baby carrying, and co-sleeping, infant massage is part of a wider «caretaking - package» which involves a set of behaviors necessary to satisfy the child's needs for contact, holding, communication, and feeding; these needs are simple and primitive but often unrecognized (Balsamo, 2007).
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