Sentences with phrase «practice of the church»

In their return to scripture, many reformers questioned practices of the church.
Putin and Trump both invoke a kind of religion that emphasises a past golden age, rather than shared practices of church attendance and piety.
I appreciate its attempts to recover ancient practices of the church, even if it sometimes feels anachronistic or maddeningly ala carte.
The Ekklesia Project has also produced about a dozen booklets, with more to come, on specific practices of the church, such as preparing for marriage, hymn - singing, reading scripture, evangelizing and so on.
In this way the overall theme moves chapter by chapter from the liturgical actions of the Old Testament to the present day liturgical practice of the Church.
The idea that doctrine can be separated from the pastoral practice of the Church has become prevalent in some circles.
We should also admit in all honesty that in the general practice of the Church these distinctions are suppressed rather than clarified as far as the faithful are concerned.
What was once considered an indisputable practice of the church, namely missionary activities, turned out to be the most problematic one.
We see catechesis as one of the ongoing practices of the church, and thus a part of youth formation, but only a part.
The spiritual formation practices of the church before the Constantinian era suggest an alternative for today.
In response, I would recommend a liturgical approach to evangelism, one that is based on the evangelical practices of the church in the third century.
Can the government dictate the «ministerial» hiring practices of churches and religious schools?
Is this Christian teaching, supported by the traditions and practices of the Church throughout history?
Luther, on the other hand, had released himself from the conventional view or at least practice of the Church as having in its Pope an authority practically equivalent to that of God.
Wilson examines worship, baptism, Eucharist and other shared practices of the church, helping us to understand their role in forming us into a body in the likeness of Christ.
But Romney, who has both led a Mormon congregation as a bishop and a regional group of churches as stake president, will speak to specific practices of his church and his experiences.
Church fathers often appealed to the liturgical practices of the church, its baptismal formula (Matt.
tha tis a practice of some other religions, but the word does not even exist in Mormon scripture as a practice of the church.
«I do find it a puzzling quality of liberal Christians that they tend to get excited when something that had been a cherished belief or practice of the Church is shown to have been false,» says Rod Dreher, commenting on a new book by a Notre Dame historian who says that the early Church's stories of martyrdom were false.
Love, joy, peace, and hope become flesh «through the practices of the Church: witness, catechesis, baptism, prayer, friendship, hospitality, admonition, penance, confession, praise, reading scripture, preaching, sharing peace, sharing food, washing feet.
Though once a practice of the Church, we believe in being obedient to governments and laws.
«Particularly, for this issue of married priests, it is a practice of the Church and it has been for hundreds of years but it's not doctrine - it is open for debate.»
Even you religious people would be shocked at the practices of this church and its «members.»
It has been the practice of the church to summarize atheism as something inhuman, absolutely perverted and even almost demonic.
It is not narrowly concerned with the practice of church leadership «but rather with the enactment of Christian witness in its entirety — that is, with the entire life and activity of the church as the community of witness» (48).
For all that, a revival of the Church's active practice of the censura morum - in short, a revival of the practice of church discipline, including the sanctions of rebuke, censure, and excommunication - would challenge, more consistently than the Christian right has done, the modern assumptions both that religion is strictly private and that the state is competent to correct morals.
This passages deserves much more serious consideration than has been hitherto given to it in the teachings and practice of the churches.
«Separatist» was the name given to those people, a type of Puritan, who were dissatisfied with the worship and practice of the Church of England; consequently, they withdrew from the Church and formed their own congregations.
For all his commitment to the faith and practice of the church, Childs has not written a commentary easily accessible to those working in the church.
Focusing on the practices of the church is all the rage these days.
Accepting the teachings of the Church, its adherents wanted to bring the practice of the Church into line with its teachings.
Truthfully, I hadn't heard of most of the practices of the Church universal until I was well into adulthood.
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