Sentences with phrase «practice places an emphasis»

The practice places emphasis on you to direct your own time and cultivate rich rhythms and rituals of work.
Her practice places an emphasis on banking, business and commercial litigation, professional negligence, and economic development.

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Remember that the bible doesn't place a greater emphasis on belief than practice.
More emphasis also needs to be placed on discourse as practice.
This is why I've devoted 15 years of my life to creating my own practice from scratch focused on my primary emphasis of «Food Behavior» while placing myself in a Rare category where most Never go by completing the # 1 Masters in Functional Medicine Clinical Nutrition Nationwide in addition to expertise I'd have for years in Change Psychology, Mind - Body Medicine, Sport / Exercise Nutrition, Food Science, & Fat - Loss.
Although there are some similarities to organic, the practices are quite different, with biodynamic placing greater emphasis on regenerative agriculture and soil health.
The FSMA's primary goal is to promote the importance of reducing foodborne illness and product recalls by placing more emphasis on the preventive measures practiced by industry as a whole.
We place great emphasis on effort, fully applying oneself, facing adversity, playing and practicing with enthusiasm, and making your teammates better.
As apart of this rich annual event, BMBFA is excited to partner with Henry Ford Health System to launch Mommy - Friendly Detroit ™ — a celebration of black motherhood that helps Detroit to become a place where systems, policies and practices align to achieve racial and health equity on behalf of all women, with an emphasis on Detroit's most vulnerable women, their babies, families and communities.
Personally, I think it's curious how many physicians and mothers - to - be place such a high emphasis on the 0.11 % risk reduction of neonatal mortality from hospital births, while thinking nothing of engaging other common practices (i.e. poor dietary habits, overuse of antibiotics, participation in contact sports) that certainly increase their child's lifetime risk of chronic disease, injury, or even death.
«This is in line with global best practices that place emphasis on human rights driven policing, intelligence led policing, and community based policing and problem solving approach.
As a result, these clinician - scientists must place a larger emphasis on clinical practice, leading to diminished productivity and success in research.
One person may enjoy a very athletic practice, while another might want to place an emphasis on therapy and illness or injury prevention.
Yoga teachings in India still place supreme emphasis on the union of the mind - body complex, pranayama, meditative practices along with yoga asanas.
Indian research suggests that he regular practice of yoga can even cure psoriasis, and places emphasis on different yoga exercises (asanas), deep breathing exercises, as well as meditation techniques.
Special emphasis is placed on Jalandhara Bandha, which Dunn said should be maintained throughout practice to protect the heart from strain.
Emphasis is placed on learning the practices of sitting and walking meditation, and developing mindfulness in daily life.
Jivamukti Yoga can be a physically vigorous style of yoga; however along with asana (physical poses) emphasis is also placed on the educational aspect of the practice through the study of yogic philosophies.
Not every brand places an emphasis on organic growing practices.
The strong emphasis that is placed on breathing practices can result in a therapeutic effect, by reducing psychological and physical stress, something which can plague the best of us.
Hatha is an alignment based practice that places emphasis on core strength, flexibility, and balance as well as concentration and breath control.
Come my third class, it became clear that there was no judgement, with the emphasis heavily placed on developing «your yoga practice,» no matter what your level of experience.
Catholics placed greater emphasis on remaining connected to the traditions and practices of the Church.
With teachers and practitioners being held responsible for delivering high - quality provision by the SEND Code of Practice, and with Ofsted placing significant emphasis on achieving progress and raising aspirations for SEND students, it's now crucial that they have very specific skills and understanding.
BL: Teachers who were seeing themselves as effective, were very aware that at the core of effective teaching practice was placing emphasis on developing positive relationships that demonstrated their beliefs in students.
An emphasis should also be placed on practices that possess significant effect sizes related to student -LSB-...]
Often compared with the Common Core standards for math and English language arts, the new science standards stress the deeper learning of broad scientific concepts over the memorization of facts, and place a greater emphasis on introducing students to the workplace practices of scientists and engineers.
They also place greater emphasis on helping students understand not only the products of science — science content — but also the processes and practices used to create new knowledge.
The nature of this program also was very attractive to me, especially the level of support they provide for their students and Noyce scholars and the emphasis the school places on not only learning the concepts and practices necessary for teaching science, but also the nature of science itself and how that applies to one's teaching practice
However, teachers practicing reforms - based instruction place less emphasis on these traditional approaches and greater emphasis on fostering inquiry in student - centered ways.
We place special emphasis on practicing equity and diversity in science education.
In particular, the apparent emphasis on higher order cognitive demand contrasts with the practice of top - achieving countries, which tend to place greater emphasis on «performing procedures.»
In addition to replicating the success of Annie Fisher in New Haven, the founders of ECMS have placed particular emphasis on two elements of full Montessori implementation that are also recognized as best practice for serving vulnerable families (Epstein, 2010; Reynolds,, 2001).
Emphasis will be placed on practicing the work of the pedagogies and identifying opportunities to integrate them into upcoming coursework.
Particular emphasis is placed on supporting leaders in strengthening their reflective practice, overcoming bias, advancing a system of school improvement, and sustaining leadership growth.
Poetry places an emphasis on language, fiction is useful for learning how to form character and plot, creative nonfiction helps a writer distinguish emotional truths from factual truths, and writing short plays is great practice for dialogue.
Dr. Crawford places a strong emphasis on practicing high quality evidence - based medicine in a gentle and relaxed manner.
We are a family oriented practice with very little turnover and place high emphasis on your life quality.
He reviews common medical conditions seen in small animal veterinary practice, such as Parvo virus infection, feline urethral obstruction, gastroenteritis and rat poison ingestion, with a particular emphasis placed on ways to optimize care while minimizing costs.
We are a full service mixed - animal practice situated on 4.5 acres that places heavy emphasis on high - end diagnostics and therapy.
Vet practices throughout Maine place a high emphasis on qualified veterinary assistants.
Our doctors and staff are highly qualified and devoted to practicing the highest quality of evidence - based medicine and grooming services, placing a strong emphasis on customer service.
Magdalen Chua (MC) had a conversation with Punton and Spark, as a second part of a feature on exhibitions presented during the Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art that place emphasis on the process of collaboration and the subjective experience within artistic practice.
This course places a strong emphasis on art - historical writing and research practices.
Painting, printmaking and photography have all been integral to his practice which places an emphasis on a lengthy scrutiny of common - place objects.
It's also the most accurate way to capture the emphasis he himself places on pushing his practice forward each time he enters the studio.»
On this occasion, emphasis was placed not on a work's declared commitment to progressive politics but on its ability to practice differently, to put forward an engaging view.
However, we place special emphasis on the areas of the Canadian avant - garde of the 1960s and 1970s, the international network developed at the time and its role in the art of today; emerging artists; Vancouver's post-war art history; practices and projects that challenge the status quo including exhibition concepts initiated by artists.
It is the Audain gallery's mission to encourage «conceptual and experimental projects that explore the dialogue between the social and the cultural in contemporary artistic practices» and SFU prides itself on its adherence to the principles of an autodidactic education, placing an emphasis on «self - directed and individual modes of learning».
Placing emphasis on stylistic elements instead of the overarching photographic medium, the contemporary collection cites how the conventions of classic genres, such as portraiture, landscapes and architectural, are developed through new practice.
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