Sentences with phrase «practices as myths»

Western society often views these practices as myths, but is that all they are?

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Missouri Synod theologians had traditionally affirmed the inerrancy of the Bible, and, although such a term can mean many things, in practice it meant certain rather specific things: harmonizing of the various biblical narratives; a somewhat ahistorical reading of the Bible in which there was little room for growth or development of theological understanding; a tendency to hold that God would not have used within the Bible literary forms such as myth, legend, or saga; an unwillingness to reckon with possible creativity on the part of the evangelists who tell the story of Jesus in the Gospels or to consider what it might mean that they write that story from a post-Easter perspective; a general reluctance to consider that the canons of historical exactitude which we take as givens might have been different for the biblical authors.
Everyone has their myths, Xavier, including atheists and agnostics... smile I feel the article is a fair statement of many folks issues with Christianity particularly as practiced and perceived among Western protestant evangelical christians.
’25 Bloch believed that «the ultimate, enduring insight of Marx is that truth does not exist for its own sake but implies emancipation, and an interpretation of the world which has the transformation of the world as its goal and meaning, providing a key in theory and leverage in practice».26 Drawing on this tradition Moltmann writes that unless truth «contains initiative for the transformation of the world, it becomes a myth of the existing world.
Fishon... I think you misunderstand my position... my original point was that non-violence as taught by Jesus and practiced by those we call martyrs, Christian or otherwise is the calling and duty for those who want to break the myth of redemptive violence... or in other words, «might always makes right».
Whether formulated by Durkheim (a system of beliefs and practices related to sacred things), by Weber (that which finally makes events meaningful), or by Tillich (whatever is of ultimate concern) religion in its «classical» sense refers not so much to labels on a church building as to the imagery (myth, theology, and so forth) by which people make sense of their lives — their «moral architecture,» if you will.6 That human beings differ in their sensitivity to and success in this matter of «establishing meaning» there can be no doubt.
Chris Kresser, LAc, one of the most popular educators in the integrative medicine space, not only as a clinician, but also in building successful low overhead, technologically integrated practices presents Myths & Truths About «Adrenal Fatigue» on the April 2016 Functional Forum.
However, as Paul reiterates in her article «The Myth of Practice Makes Perfect,» there is more to the notion of simple practicePractice Makes Perfect,» there is more to the notion of simple practicepractice (2012).
Too many accounts of the practices of literary writers are available to us — Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews is the best - known series — for any English teacher to cling to such myths as first - draft finals, timed writing assignments, or whole - class deadlines.
Dr. Scripp's most influential writings include the essay An Overview of Research on Music and Learning in the Critical Links Compendium (, his innovative research - based Music PLUS Music Integration education practices as reported in the International Handbook on Innovation (Pergamon) and Thinking Beyond the Myths and Misconceptions of Talent, a treatise published by Arts Education Policy Review (May 2013) that articulates the challenges that outdated conceptions of innate talent pose to music «s evolving role in 21st Century education.
This is one of those myths that is not only predicated on falsehood but also ultimately untrue in practice as well.
It blitzes the myths that cripple writers as well as informing about agents, writing practice and publishing practices.
«Most veterinarians are engrained with myths such as only corporations can buy million dollar practices and that you need a large down payment to buy a practice,» says editor Dr. Byron Farquer.
John Fare, who himself was present as a sort of phantom host, is an artist whose myth extends much further than his artistic practice.
1 - 2 pm Presentation Art Practice as Fictioning (or, Myth - Science) by Dr Simon O'Sullivan, Reader in Art Theory and Practice in the Department of Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths, London.
As a practicing visual artist, Barry Ace's work has been included in numerous group and solo exhibitions, including: Emergence from the Shadows — First Peoples Photographic Perspectives, Canadian Museum of Civilization (1996: Ottawa); Urban Myths: Aboriginal Artists in the City.
From the beginning of her practice, Engel's foundation of inquiry has been an exploration of the development of culture through myth and fable, and as with so much of the lore she studies, she has designated the archetypical animal form as representatives of humanity.
Featuring: Amna Asghar, Dana Davenport, Umber Majeed, Tammy Nguyen, Ke Peng, Sahana Ramakrishnan, Sheida Soleimani Amna Asghar speaks on the construction and translation of disparate references, cultures, geographies, and generations from Pakistan and America; Dana Davenport addresses the complexity of interminority racism within her own community and institutions from her experiences as a Black Korean American; Umber Majeed's practice attempts to unpack the temporalities within South Asia as site, familial archival material, popular culture, and modern national state narratives; Tammy Nguyen interrogates natural sciences and non-human forms to explore racial intimacies and US military involvement in the Pacific Rim; Ke Peng documents the feeling of alienation and disorientation from urbanization and immigration by taking a journey into an imagined childhood in China, Hunan, where she was born and Shenzhen, a modern city where her family relocates to; Sahana Ramakrishan explores myths and religion from Buddhist and Hindu tales to speak upon the magic of childhood and the power dynamics of sexuality, race, and violence; Sheida Soleimani is an Iranian - American artist and a daughter of political refugees, making work to highlight her critical perspective on the historical and contemporary socio - political occurrences in Iran.
The avant - garde dream of creative practice that would go beyond the border of art and life appears as a dated myth.
As a film composed of 35 mm slide stills, the work touches upon ancient and contemporary practices of bathing, including the myth of the lost city of Atlantis.
Not only will participants develop a painterly practice through techniques such as acrylic, watercolor, and encaustic, but also the power of how to impact the viewer through the use of mood and myth.
Her practice has been described as engaging in her own unique form of myth - making, one in which the interweaving of fact with fiction opens up possibilities for another group of symbolic female characterisations, markedly different from those that appear in either classical history or popular culture.
I recently started up a shipping container home facebook group (about a month ago) in order to acccumulate shipping container conversion knowledge in one location and to try and get as many shipping container tiny house enthusiasts and shipping container conversion builders together so that we all can dispell the myths and learn best building practices for working with and constructing with this steel medium.
But as with every emerging practice, there are myths about LPM, such as «LPM is too complex and can interfere with the legal aspects of the matter» and «Finding the right fit for the PM role is impossible.»
Data analysis is also being used as a means to verify — or bust — long - held myths in companies» hiring practices.
In 2011, Universities Australia developed a National Best Practice Framework for Indigenous Cultural Competency in Australian universities that identifies key content areas as including: concepts of culture, race, ethnicity and worldview; myths, misconceptions and stereotypes about Indigenous people; notions of whiteness, white privilege and power; racism and anti-racist practices.
As an attorney who has had quite a bit of Courtroom battles in the divorce arena and has chosen to forego those horrible battles and built a thriving mediation practice, I must now crush those myths and describe why the mediation process is a much more desirable approach to a couple than maybe you have heard.
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