Sentences with phrase «practioners on»

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I called upon favorite practioners of every kind - acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathic, and on and on.
I just wanted to share my great birth story with you and also to give great feedback on GB practioner in Australia, Elizabeth Isaac — she was amazing and you need to get more people trained in Australia as so many women need to have the option to have a good birth.
Just further proof of the exponential growth of yoga and the impact that is has on practioners.
I am willing to be very patient and go easy... but no medical person I have talked seems to have a clue of what is going on with me except the nurse practioner... who said I need to see a sports medicine person... so here I am thank you.
On the other hand, members of the Panchayat Raj Institutions, women of self help groups, auxiliary nurse midwives, Registered Medical Practioners and Private practioners are brought into the folds of HIV program and encouraged to facilitate testing and access to medical and other welfarPractioners and Private practioners are brought into the folds of HIV program and encouraged to facilitate testing and access to medical and other welfarpractioners are brought into the folds of HIV program and encouraged to facilitate testing and access to medical and other welfare services.
Solomon is one of the lead speakers I have invited to address Author Day on the 30th of November at the conference center of London's Royal College of General Practioners, 30 Euston Square.
American Association of Feline Practioners Brochure on Feline Hyperthyroid Disease:
It mobilizes an international set of experts on PES projects, laws and policies to help governments, businesses, practioners, and local citizens break through bottlenecks and access new and emerging ecosystem markets.
On the other side of the bar are solo and small - firm practioners, who earn considerably less (though on average, they too bill fewer hours than their large - firm counterpartsOn the other side of the bar are solo and small - firm practioners, who earn considerably less (though on average, they too bill fewer hours than their large - firm counterpartson average, they too bill fewer hours than their large - firm counterparts).
The cards are on the table with an overall message from practioners that: «Hey, we don't have all the answers and our institutions and departments are really figuring all of this out as well».
She created documents to be used and replicated, quick references for students on each step of the process, and established connections with local practioners to ensure continuity of service.
Do you place higher weight on courses taught by practioners?
Careers that focus on juvenile and family law include family law practioner (solo practice or law firm), guardian ad litem or child's attorney, social services agency attorney, District Attorney or Public Defender specializing in juveniles, public policy - makers, and judicial clerkships in specialized juvenile or domestic courts.
About Blog I am a Certified Crystal Healer & Reiki Practioner ** Crystal healing is a deeply relaxing, rejuvenating, clothing on, minimal contact therapy of placing crystals & stones on the body in relaxation; Re-alignment of energetic frequencies, removes emotional & energetic blocks, while allowing for soul learning, healing & spiritual growth.
Protecting Children, 26 (2), 2011 Presents lessons learned from child welfare researchers and practioners from across the nation from the National Quality Improvement Center on Non-Resident Fathers and the Child Welfare System.
The article describes a software package Positive Solutions that may assist researchers, practioners, and families in collecting and structuring data on an individual with problem behaviors.
I am a certified practioner of Psychodrama and have a strong focus on the body and spirit.
Great article Chris, really one of the best and most relevant in the pages of REM today, so why not expand with another article on how the CASL can be a benefit to LTTPs (Licensed to Trade Practioners) if MLS systems embrace the liability instead of ignoring it or passing it on to their members.
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