Sentences with phrase «pragmatic arguments about»

However, when conservationists try to oppose polluters and developers solely with pragmatic arguments about the value to human welfare of, for example, gene pools in rain forests, they have been maneuvered into fighting on the same ground as their opponents.

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While I agree with your overall point that there is a value of differentiating arguments of principle and ultimate values from political strategy and tactics about how to make change happen, I am somewhat sceptical of the implication that a significant problem has been that modern political philosophy has been too pragmatic or applied.
The core of the issue that I worry most about, as do others, is that arguments for action on climate change that evoke only one particular vision of the future will reflect only the priorities and values of certain parties, rather than a broad, pragmatic set of choices designed to both effectively manage the problem of climate change and align a diversity of political interests in support of policy action.
In my Uncertainty Monster paper, I made scientific and pragmatic arguments for understanding, assessing and reasoning about uncertainty in climate science.
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