Sentences with phrase «praise following the criticism»

Does Ozil deserve extra praise following the criticism he regularly receives?

Not exact matches

Instead, Nass finds it's most effective to offer your criticism to someone directly off the top, then follow it up with a long list of specific praise.
Following criticism from members in both parties in the House and Senate, these women continued to praise the Senate budget chief's ethics.
DOE officials, he says, «don't get any praise [from Congress] for doing things right, but they get a lot of criticism if things go wrong — and a lot of new rules and directives to follow
In a letter sent following inspections at several of the trusts schools, inspectors praised the university for being «fully committed» to its academy trust, bucking a recent trend for criticism of university - led academy trusts, several of which have received damning feedback this year.
Follow - up univariate ANOVAs revealed non-significant treatment effects of condition for praising, using humor, playing, providing physical comfort, providing information, apologizing, or criticism.
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