Sentences with phrase «praise god»

Here, just when we thought Jonah was going to repent of his sin, and praise God for doing something wonderful, Jonah continues to focus on himself.
The Psalter is the church's prayer book, and the reformers saw it as an inspired document able to teach believers both how to praise God with «hallelujahs» and how to receive comfort from God when the soul is distraught and cast down.
In another instant the light was shed through my mind by the Holy Ghost, and the joyous conviction was given me that nothing more was to be done, save to fall on my knees, to accept this Saviour and his love, to praise God forever.»
Your Grandpa is doing well, praise God, but remember the words of Paul how he «learned» to be content in all circumstances of life, and when he was in chains in a filthy cave / prison he found himself singing and bringing a testimony of God's grace to the palace guards!
You can not praise God and not care for His people who are without a doubt is the Jews unless you believe in the Muslim religion.
if you like 10 % then stick with that, and if you can do more than 10 % then praise God, do that... see in america theres no law that says you have to pay tax, so how come the masses in america do nt complain about it as you guys do?
Praise God for his hands of protection around them.
«My advice, as I said earlier, is: First, that their synagogues be burned down, and that all who are able toss sulphur and pitch; it would be good if someone could also throw in some hellfire... Second, that all their books — their prayer books, their Talmudic writings, also the entire Bible — be taken from them, not leaving them one leaf, and that these be preserved for those who may be converted... Third, that they be forbidden on pain of death to praise God, to give thanks, to pray, and to teach publicly among us and in our country... Fourth, that they be forbidden to utter the name of God within our hearing.
This conception of chosenness is aptly expressed in the book's title, taken from Psalm 117: «Praise God all nations... for his loving kindness has overwhelmed us.»
Rather we should shine so that others may see our good deeds and praise God; Shining does not mean self - propaganda, self - publicity, self - glorification, but bearing fruit in our life, bringing life and light to others.
They praise God by being truly what God created them to be and by serving the function they were called to have for us.
I praise God you have passed through it.
Because there are Christians in a city or in a village, its people should be able to praise God for the harmony and fellowship, joy and happiness which Christians bring to the common life.
Question: would someone who has committed the unpardonable sin be able to praise God....
Wherever they stand on the debate, all Christians can praise God for the process of evolution, says our resident theologian David Instone - Brewer.
Let's give thanks and Praise God for those first responders, for the Police and firemen, for the neighbors, for the teachers and for the other hundred's of good things that happened that prevented a worst crime.
you can select your god and praise your god but when you start using your god to attempt to exile or hold - down another group of people then you are no better than the southern baptists that didn't want equal rights for women or people of different ethicity.
You are showing the world through this art form that you believe and praise God.
Praise God that today, almost six years after my baptism, not a single curse word has, since, left my mouth, nor will it ever, by God's grace.
But 1 Pet and others hold the answer: «Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has CAUSED US TO BE BORN AGAIN.»
To praise God aright, to give Him the proper worship: this is the meaning of right belief.
I'd look out of the window at church and focus on a flower or a bird and praise God for that.
Jesus» response was that neither sinned; then he went on to the next step: within the condition this person has, it is yet his duty and indeed his glorious privilege to praise God.
And, after all this time, after more suffering that God allowed to bring her to the end of herself, she has now come to know Jesus as her Lord and Saviour, praise God!
hymn, n [from the Latin hymnus, song of praise] 1: a song of praise to God 2: a metrical composition adapted for singing in a religious serviceFor centuries, Christians have sung hymns in order to praise God.
JPIC (Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, June 3 - 5, 1989) calls us to praise God for human beings and for all of God's creation.
If it's an expectation for Christians to praise God in Heaven then wouldn't you suspect that you were being brought up there to be some kind of fuel, or food for God?
I heard the other day that Christians actually out number communists now... if that is true praise God!
We would like to praise God, adore God, thank God for the gift of life.
And praise God that his Word remains unchanged, just as He is.
I believe you have been there and praise God that you are in a better place now.
Praise God for the ones who go home from church covered in glitter and Elmer's glue, who sing Sunday school songs all week.
Praise God for those currently being saved and added to local churches, but the nation has long since lost its Christian orientation.
Praise God for the church nursery and Sunday school workers, for the young ones without babies themselves (and all of their energy), for the older couples who have raised their babies (and all of their calming certainty), for the other tired parents who take their turn so that they could perhaps listen to the sermon next week.
«During that meeting for worship some people were sitting in the roads to praise God and share in worship, but for doing that they were arrested.»
Praise God for them because my tinies love to go to church.
Praise God for our public school teachers.
«Well, praise God
Praise God for the neighbourhood parents who stand outside to «keep an eye» on everyone, who buy the biggest bucket of sidewalk chalk so that all the kids on the street can use it.
We praise God regularly for our neighbours who introduced us to both the delicious comfort of cabbage rolls and incomparable joy of paneer pakora.
Praise God for Chrisitans who receive the true gospel, not religious traditions and doctrines, but the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
All the things people praise God (s) for (food, health, nice weather, a good crop etc) are attributed to him instead.
Before saying goodbye to Stella that morning I told her that I believed her and I would someday meet, that I loved her, and that I wasn't going to pray for her that morning because it was a day to praise God, and that I was going to spend that day praising Him for what He was about to do in her life that day.
I am a Christian who is a student of history and I praise God that I know Jesus.
Praise God for this article.
I praise God that He was merciful to me when I was still a rebellious sinner, and that is what is so amazing about the gospel, and He is still saving spiritually dead sinners every day.
In fact, chief calligrapher Donald Jackson and his colleagues are producing something priceless — a Bible beautiful enough to make readers want to keep reading, and even want to praise God.
From what you written you have been through some dark times i praise God that he has come to your rescue and set you free from your past.One of the verses that has been a comfort to me is that sin shall not have dominion over me.We do nt battle on our own but Christ strengthens us in our weakness.God wants to bless your life he gives us a hope and a future and purpose to live.regards brentnz
Praise God, I am now a new creation, freed from the sins that held me bound but, that is not to say I am perfect.
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