Sentences with phrase «praises city schools chancellor»

Not exact matches

State lawmakers praised New York City for its speedier disciplinary process, but the city's school chancellor Dennis Walcott said it still needed to be faster and faiCity for its speedier disciplinary process, but the city's school chancellor Dennis Walcott said it still needed to be faster and faicity's school chancellor Dennis Walcott said it still needed to be faster and fairer.
It is suddenly normal to hear a City Hall or education official casually praise charter schools, as deputy chancellor Dorita Gibson did earlier this week when she highlighted the work charters have done on diversity at a panel discussion.
Joel I. Klein, who presided over a radical reorganization of the New York City school system and drew praise and criticism for efforts to raise test scores and hold teachers accountable for them, resigned on Tuesday as chancellor after eight years in the job.
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