Sentences with phrase «pratices like»

In that survey, it was almost universal that groups tuned for radiation balance at the top of the atmosphere (usually by adjusting uncertain cloud parameters), but there is a split on pratices like using flux corrections (2 / 3rds of groups disagreed with that).

Not exact matches

«Remenber all scpritures are inspired words from God, my point is, Jesus wants us to be more than religious, but obedient.Jefferson is just stating that American Churches have become more corrupted with its religious practices that they have forgotten about jesus along the way.The church has taken scriptures and have use them according to what is pleasing to themselves.Jesus wants us to forget about what is pleasing to ourselves and follow him, be like him, love him (means be obedient to him) and ignore what we have known as religion.I define religion as jefferson is using in the video as an act of man pretending or decieving himself into believing that he know God and that he is better than others.He shows that by what he know / pratice not really whats in his heart and by serving how we choose which is pleasing to us, so we use God as a vessel praticing holy rituals teaching what we have made tradition and we have a eternal life with God.God created religion in order for us to remenber him and have a personal relationship with him through his son regardless of the many mistakes we have made in the past.We need to remenber God Forgets our past «he sperate our sins from us as far as the east is from the west».
What I would like to know is is there a way to pratice on icing a cake with out actually baking a cake?
Most women come to my pratice with a very carb heavy diet, focused on easy to grab foods like bananas, salads, oatmeal and low - fat snacks like popcorn.
always willing 2 help.i pratice plumbing 4 uh living.looking 4 like minded people who wants 2 enjoy life on life's terms.
Sounds like your article was well researched, and it brings to light a deplorable part of the «animal lover» community that is for some reason treated as acceptable pratice.
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