Sentences with phrase «to pray for the nation»

He therefore urged all faithful to constantly pray for the nation and its leadership at all times.
I hope that you frequently pray for our nation that we would return to God so that what happened to Calah will not happen to the United States.
Pastor Ross Smith of Celebration Church talks about the #Jesus4NZ rally, calling on believers to come together to pray for our nation at Parliament on Tuesday 30 January, 12 pm - 1:30 pm.
Henry Makiwa, from the Christian charity World Vision UK told Premier that staff were in touch with a representative in the East African country and he asked that people pray for the nation.
FDR prayed for the nation and with the nation on June 6,1944 for success in the Normandy invasion.
We had to do something, yes you can give money, but we want to make God's presence present visibly and just pray for the nation and intercede on their behalf».
I hope millions of Americans will join me in praying for our nation and to vote for candidates who will support the biblical definition of marriage, protect the sanctity of life and defend our religious freedoms,» the evangelist's statement continued.
«The NDC wishes to use this occasion to commend you for your zeal and commitment with which you ceaselessly pray for the nation and the world during Ramadan.»
«In the same vein, we are all implored to fervently pray for the Nation, the Vice President, Governors and all those in the positions of authority, for Allah's guidance in the discharge of their respective duties.
He urged the pilgrims to continue praying for the nation's peace and stability before, during and after the 2016 elections in December.
We pray for our nation that God will deliver us from all evil judgement must first begin in the housewhole of faith.
Paul's encouragement to Timothy to pray for his nation's leaders came at a time when no one had any control over who was in power.
God of justice and compassion, God of Republicans and Democrats and Independents, God of the poor and the 1 % and the middle class, in the heat of this election year we pray for our nation, our churches, and ourselves.
We pray for our nation, who is still deeply mired in racial distrust.
The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance in the United States held on the first Thursday of May, inviting people of all faiths to pray for the nation.
Pray for this nation to repent and return to Jesus.
Last year, my wife, Bobbie, led a movement on social media called #middaybabymidday — mobilizing hundreds of thousands of people to set their alarms for midday and pray for the nations, to warfare against darkness and take a stand against the enemy that his plans shall not prosper.
We shared long lunches together talking about ministry and praying for our nation.
During a court recess, a fellow pastor took the stage to pray for the nation, and the large audience began singing the lines of a well - known hymn: «Zimbabwe must be saved.
«You knew you could only take it so far as, «Let's pray for the nation, let's pray for the turning around of the nation, let's pray that God would raise righteous men into key positions.»
This is the time where we see real Christians come together to pray for our nation and for those in need.
St Woolos Cathedral's website outlines the main areas of prayer: «Pray for good order and harmony for the city during the Summit, Pray for the Summit itself - to be positive and productive, Pray for peace and for wise government throughout the world, Pray for the nations, particularly those currently experiencing war and trouble.»
Pray for the nations and the people.
I pray for our nation to come back to God and ask for forgiveness.
«We need to pray for our nation,» the governor went on to admonish churches, pointing out «that war is not a good thing.»
Christians across the country will dedicate the Sunday Church Service to pray for the nation, whilst scores of other personalities would throng the various entertainment centres, and beaches in their respective areas to commemorate the occasion.
The Founder of Action Chapel, Archbishop Duncan Williams, prayed for the nation, the President and government officials.
«Preachers should use the period to pray for the nation's leaders as well as peace, security and unity in Kogi State and Nigeria as a whole.
According to him, at times like these, Nigerians irrespective of religious or party affiliation should come together to pray for the nation and its leaders.
«Finally, while we study the bail conditions, we urge all PDP members to remain calm, united, focused and continue to pray for the nation and her people.
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