Sentences with phrase «prayed over our histories»

These were the prayers we prayed over our histories and our families, over our own minds and our hearts, over our children while they slept.

Not exact matches

nah — they believe that grocary store bread and wine becomes the flesh and blood of a dead Jew from 2,000 years ago because a priest does some hocus - pocus over it in church of a Sunday morning; that a being reads my mind whenever I pray and intervenes to change what would otherwise be the course of history in small ways to «answer my prayers»; and that I will survive my own physical deathand live happily ever after if I follow some rules laid down by goat herders in Bronze Age Palestine.
My initial intention in proposing the pause as the paramount moment of change was to stress a participatory action that indicates our reverence for and wonder over the most blessed event in human history as we pray the prayer.
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