Sentences with phrase «prayer changes anything»

This has nothing to do with whether prayer changes anything... it has to do with whether it is appropriate for the government to shove it down our throats, as the GOP has been trying to do,
PRayer changes anything, and considering that is pretty much all you ever post, just tells me that you are nothing but a troll looking to stir up people with you asinine comment.
Actually there is no evidence that prayer changes anything.

Not exact matches

How exactly has prayer ever changed anything outside of making the person doing the praying feel better?
Actually Jesus you're wrong about what Atheism said, prayer changes things by not doing anything and allowing the natural (disastrous) course of events to transpire.
Prayer doesn't change anything.
On your deathbed, you know that once you died you will find out whether God and heaven do exist or not and you will find out soon enough so I don't think that last minute ritual or prayer is going to do anything to change that.
When has prayer ever changed anything?
If the prayer group in the experiment suddenly, in controvention of known medical timelines, demonstrated that they were as they were prior to the diesease, surgery, injury etc, and subsequent testing provides no evidence of anything other than a straight up non medical intervention based change in their biology, THEN the results might be remarkable.
Prayer changes things Prayer can solve or resolve anything Jesus is the answer What was the question Prayer really changes things
Teaching from the pulpit, for example, that God willed Adam and Eve to sin, that cancer is predestined by God, that prayer doesn't cause anything to change in the world, and that evangelism has no purpose since sheep are sheep and goats are goats?
Can you change anything using prayer outside of your head?
In reacting from the too simple idea that with sufficient faith prayer can change anything, we rightly emphasize the new power that we receive from it.
I don't think prayer really changes anything.
Prayer did not work or change anything, the old bas t ard died.
«Theology of prayer» does not change anything — ’ t is a matter of how you set up the experiment to test an empirical question.
Justin said he combed through multiple books and commentaries, struggling to discern what, if anything, the Bible said about people like him — people who did no wish or plan to be gay, people who couldn't change their same - sex attraction through prayer or counseling, people who wanted to faithfully follow Jesus no matter what.
So if decades of praying by Mr. Big doesn't change anything, then I» m left to the conclusion that either god does not answer prayer (if not for the big guy then for who?)
If prayer really changed anything wouldn't we be in utopia by now?
Prayer doesn't make everybody feel good, so it doesn't change anything for them.
Prayer has never changed anything.
So you admit that prayer doesn't change anything.
This person is pretty smart because whoever they are causes rational people to provide solid evidence that prayer does not change anything.
As long as prayer doesn't change anything in our public schools, government, laws, judiciary, and workplace.
and it was starting to cause me anxiety, sadness, anger and stress to the point where I would go to God in prayer and tell him I was angry with him and why wasn't He changing anything?
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