Sentences with phrase «prayer guide»

Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger probably didn't know they were creating a global prayer guide when they founded Wikipedia, but we should thank them anyway.
Meanwhile, 50,900 adults make the pilgrimage to Notre Dame for a Pentecostal rally, a teen - age guru turns on young people from coast to coast, and demand rises for books that run the gamut from thin prayer guides to thick encyclopedias of theology.
Prayers are also vital; check out this weekly prayer guide or follow Pray for Refugees on social media.
I don't know, but if prayer guides me to being better than a hate monger, I'm all for it.
Similar disclaimers came from moderates following other SBC actions — its boycott of Disney, its publishing of prayer guides targeting Jews, Muslims and Hindus for conversion on their holy days, and its adoption of a faith statement saying that women should not be pastors and that wives should graciously submit to the servant leadership of their husbands.
Prayer and Action Guide for a Lenten Fast from Carbon This Lenten prayer guide features seven prayerful reflections (for Ash Wednesday and the six Sundays of Lent), which include insights on regional impacts of climate change, Scripture readings and prayers, and actions of individuals wanting to reduce their carbon footprints.
Where should we send your prayer guide and confirmation email?
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