Sentences with phrase «prayer of gratitude»

I quickly emailed the picture to both the kids» teachers and said a silent prayer of gratitude for small mercies (and small rodents).
Give your gemstones a little kiss and a small prayer of gratitude placing your intention in the water for your face, skin, and soul.
We whisper prayers of gratitude, we acknowledge God's guiding hand, and we recall that all we have is a gift.
In various places prayers of gratitude are recorded for the birth of a child, (I Samuel 2:1).
But I will say this — as my husband and I trudged through the strenuous process of potty training our daughter, I found myself saying more than just a few silent prayers of gratitude for the gift of adequate bladder and bowel control.
said a little prayer of gratitude every morning we woke up after a full night's sleep?
But for the great majority of us, sports provides a pleasurable interlude in life for which we not only need not repent, but for which we should offer continuing prayers of gratitude.
The procuring, preparation, and consumption of food would be less of a taken - for - granted routine if prayers of gratitude came more naturally from the soul.
Live sacramentally: teach yourself and the people in your church simple prayers of gratitude for what others have done for us.
Spare a moment, and say a tiny prayer of gratitude for life's... Read More...
I only make broth from humanely treated animals, raised organically, and before I drink it, I say a little prayer of gratitude, acknowledging the exchange of energy.
(At which point I said a small prayer of gratitude that I have never - and will never - apply the Marie Kondo method of cleaning to our craft supplies!
«Sighs of relief and prayers of gratitude that California #SB1146 bill (restricting religious liberty of colleges) has been dropped,» tweeted National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) president Leith Anderson.
Prayers of gratitude are a common response to the beauty of God's creation.
I took a deep breath and whispered a prayer of gratitude.
My beauty ritual begins the moment I open my eyes and mentally say a prayer of gratitude.
Maybe you say a prayer of gratitude to appreciate the moment, or pray for guidance on your journey.
I turned each thing I did (castor oil packs, dry skin brushing) into a prayer of gratitude for the opportunity to use these tools.
And one of Louis» fellow crewmen offers a prayer of gratitude after they make a miraculous landing with a battered plane.
I am offering my prayers of gratitude for these strangers» kindness to Tucker and his human family, and also for Tucker's quick and full recovery.
Prayers of gratitude — I have to say, the members of our family who have joined us through adoption are so beloved, they truly complete our whole — adoption is indeed a wonderful blessing.
+ praying a prayer of gratitude for each little miracle (like those above) + reading a blog where someone has been brave enough to speak love, truth, kindness and get others to join the wave... we need more of that in this world.
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