Sentences with phrase «prayer of salvation»

LOL Once again, the tears flowed from reading your post and, yes, saying your prayer of salvation!!
His spiritual exercise, as he put it, was «to breathe my sigh into my canvases, the sigh of prayers and sadness, the prayer of salvation, of rebirth.»
Oh, they may let you off the hook long enough to pray the prayer of salvation, but as soon as that's done it's back to «Come to us, all who are weary and heavy - laden, so that you can be our bond - servants with your tithes and volunteer service.
God Bless those who will listen, there are no second chances after we die, the time to repent is now - You must be saved through the prayer of salvation to Jesus Christ & God in order to become one of Gods Children -
And you will also be hearing much from the anti-Christs who will try to sway you into not saying the prayer of salvation but you must bear in mind that they will not be with you to defend you when you pass on and are before God.

Not exact matches

Other faiths believe in burning candles or saying prayers in behalf of the dead — the Latter - day Saints believe in the same concept, but taken to the next level: that we really can open a portal to salvation for every human on earth, if they want it.
Could this use of marriage as a symbol of salvation have a reviving effect on our prayer lives?
The Bible contains a lot of interesting stories, talks between people, between God (Jesus) and people, wisdom (proverbs), prophecy (revelation), words of salvation (the 4 gospels, the epistles), historical data, like dates, locations, names of people involved in the stories, parables, reports about miracles, Jesus did, songs, prayers, psalms etc...
Considering that the temple was an official place of religion, it is surprising how much of this recognition of the true character of Yahweh has been preserved in these prayers for humble persons who need salvation from the wicked.
This is the church of the Council of Trent, that series of meetings in the 16th century which, in reaction to the Reformation, declared the Roman Catholic Church the sole vehicle of salvation, defined the nature of the seven necessary sacraments, approved prayers to the saints and set down the requirement of attending mass.
What remains was already evident when we began our reflections on the text of the «secret»: the exhortation to prayer as the path of «salvation for souls» and, likewise, the summons to penance and conversion.»
It holds a variety of Christian themes about Jesus, salvation, global day of prayer, blah blah blah; you know the usual tacky Christian attempt to witness to unsuspecting motorists who are forced to see this massive sign against their will and resent the fact that they have to look up and see not Coca - Cola, but «Jesus loves you enough to die for you».
Prayer changes things Find the salvation of God in prayer Experience the joy of a changed life Prayer changes Prayer changes things Find the salvation of God in prayer Experience the joy of a changed life Prayer changes prayer Experience the joy of a changed life Prayer changes Prayer changes things
Elizabeth E. said she shifted her sense of God & Prayer from intercession desire to salvation & enlightenment.
Best Conversation - Starter: Zack Hunt with «The Myth of Sola Fide» «What I think we learn from Jesus and the writers of the New Testament is that our «acceptance» of salvation is not a one off moment that happens during a prayer at an altar.
Providing basic catechesis Leonard creates a simple introduction to the main points of Catholic teaching on the Sacraments, prayer, personal holiness and the call to evangelise those around us, with a bit of salvation history thrown in too.
One more point, according to the epistle of James, the prayer of the righteous are effective, therefore as the monks heal their souls, their prayers for the world will also become more effective (less about them, more about the salvation of the world).
But if he has been answering the prayers could they start praying for a cure for cancer and the genetic code of algae that make gasoline and how to grow food in salty soil and lots of other stuff that is more important than mankind's salvation?
If I gave you that definition without it being in the context of «salvation» or a salvation prayer, you'd immediately recognize it as a «magic spell.»
Even if we can not pray for some of these goals with much affirmation — even if we find ourselves praying for the salvation of liberals before Christ returns, or the redirection of evangelical social concern to its proper sphere of evangelism and world mission, or the disappearance of the electronic church — God will answer our prayers, with corrections if necessary, and will either change our minds or the minds of those for whom we are praying.
This seminal prayer, one of many such prayers, clearly states that while it is true that all individuals are responsible for their own sins, nevertheless God desires each sinner's ultimate salvation.
Big words like «salvation», «save», sacrifice», «redeemer», «redemption», «righteousness», «repentence», «mercy», «sin», «forgiveness», «born again», «second coming», «God», «Jesus», and «Bible» and collections of words like «the creeds», «Lord's Prayer», and «liturgies» have acquired meanings that are serious distortions of their biblical and traditional meanings.
God desires the «sacrifices» of prayer and thank offerings for salvation.
Prayer changes things Even a Mormon can find salvation in prayer Repent of Mormon beliefs Prayer changes things Prayer is powerful and effective And become a ChrPrayer changes things Even a Mormon can find salvation in prayer Repent of Mormon beliefs Prayer changes things Prayer is powerful and effective And become a Chrprayer Repent of Mormon beliefs Prayer changes things Prayer is powerful and effective And become a ChrPrayer changes things Prayer is powerful and effective And become a ChrPrayer is powerful and effective And become a Christian
Since the process of theosis is very challenging, requiring a great deal of resistance to pride and constant prayer, some Orthodox would worry that those who are not even trying to follow the ancient path, don't even know about it, may not reach salvation.
[11] In Hebrews, of course, the prayer is an allusion to the Eucharist as the thanksgiving by Christ for the salvation granted him by the resurrection.
If it really has been «done to death,» then I can think of numerous topics that have been done many times more than this topic (at least where I'm at and interact): faith, hope, love, prayer, fellowship, giving, good works, christian unity, salvation, grace, faith healing, being culturally relevant, the gospel, the resurrection, religion vs. relationship, tithing, worship, reverence, christian music, legalism, old vs. new covenant, Paul's conversion, miracles, gifts of the spirit, sign gifts, tongues, nativity, the disciples, crucifixion, materialism, mysticism, new age, atheism, i could probably list about 50 more if I thought about it.
Where people join an institution to achieve religious objectives — like the pursuit of faith, prayer, and salvation — they are giving that institution the authority to make decisions about religious matters.
Then the one prayer will be: «THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN»... And if the victory is to be won, it will be by the power of Christ through man, for there is no other Name under Heaven by which we can receive health and salvation, but only the name of Jesus Christ» (pp. 238 - 239).
I'm surprised the writer mentioned the sinner's prayer without mentioning that it does not exist in scripture and is not part of any example of salvation in the Bible.
Let us join the Holy Father in his prayer: «Let us pray that in every parish and Christian community attention to vocations and to the formation of priests will increase: it begins in the family, continues at the seminary and involves all who have at heart the salvation of souls».
Moody, for the first time, prayed directly for the salvation of a person, and his prayers were answered.
The biblical text seems to serve as a source of proof texts to manipulate the laity into accomplishing the churches agenda, some of which is good (fellowship, salvation, prayer, etc.), some of it is not.
The medieval church had long forgotten the earlier understanding of the eucharistic prayer as the recital of the whole history of salvation; it preferred, instead, to focus on the words of institution.
Nevertheless, fundraising appeals which imply prayers for physical healing or the salvation of a friend are more likely to be answered when a financial gift is given, are not uncommon.
That is similar to the biggest prayer of all... for «salvation».
In other words, he not only ordains certain outcomes (say, salvation) but also the way in which those come about (e.g., prayer, the preaching of his Word, etc.).
Prayer is the cry of the heart for salvation of souls.
It later explained, «While Islam and Christianity are both monotheistic, we believe there are fundamental differences between the two faiths, including what they teach about God's revelation to humanity, the nature of God, the path to salvation, and the life of prayer
As well as sharing in God's work of creating people, husbands and wives also have a share in God's work of bringing them to salvation, bringing them into union with Christ in the Church by getting them baptised, bringing them to be fed by Christ in the Eucharist and to be cared for by him in the other sacraments; bringing them to know and love God through teaching, prayer, bible reading and example.
Again, referring to the verse, «Your will be done», Stendhal stressed that it was a prayer to God that His will for redemption, for the salvation of creation, be done.
While Islam and Christianity are both monotheistic, we believe there are fundamental differences between the two faiths, including what they teach about God's revelation to humanity, the nature of God, the path to salvation, and the life of prayer.
«In the days of His flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears... He learned obedience through what He suffered; and being made perfect He became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey Him, being designated by God a high priest after the order of Melchizedek.»
One would be very hard pressed to make a case against Ratzinger's interpretation of salvation history but his case is absolutely clinched by the words of Christ's priestly prayer in John's Gospel.
But in a broader, scriptural light, David's prayer expresses the truth of Christian salvation.
Below are the sermon notes for how I preached this passages about 20 years ago... If you read through it, please note that I disagree with what I say about «salvation,» with what I say about prayer, Bible study, and church attendance, and what I say about the overall point of the entire passage of Ephesians 2.
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