Sentences with phrase «prayerful reading»

Proposition 11: New Evangelisation and the Prayerful Reading of Sacred Scripture... the divine word [should] «be ever more fully at the heart of every ecclesial activity» (Verbum Domini, 1).
A prayerful reading of Salvifici Doloris shows that John Paul not only lived the Gospel of suffering himself.
Call it lectio divina, prayerful reading or breaking open the word.

Not exact matches

toujoursdan said, on October 1st, 2009 at 11:46 am But again, a growing number of Christians have read Scripture with a prayerful heart and DO N'T believe that God says that monogamous gay relationships are a sin.
But again, a growing number of Christians have read Scripture with a prayerful heart and DO N'T believe that God says that monogamous gay relationships are a sin.
It comes as the result of decades of research, study, reading, writing, and prayerful consideration of the biblical text.
Prayer and Action Guide for a Lenten Fast from Carbon This Lenten prayer guide features seven prayerful reflections (for Ash Wednesday and the six Sundays of Lent), which include insights on regional impacts of climate change, Scripture readings and prayers, and actions of individuals wanting to reduce their carbon footprints.
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