Sentences with phrase «precious class time on»

Teachers recognize test preparation as necessary in this era of high stakes standardized exams, but most can't afford to spend much precious class time on test preparation activities.
It is simply counterproductive to invest hours of precious class time on such algorithms.

Not exact matches

There are always negative headlines no matter what's going on in the world and it's «never» a good time to own stocks, real estate, precious metals or whatever asset class you want to mention.
Getting Essential Core Skills, with Tenure at Stake 15 July 2005 Our CareerDoctor advises an assistant professor who, after three years and a half, feels that all her precious time is going into committee meetings and classes — leaving her in the impossibility to work on her own research, let alone think about it.
On the other hand, it makes class time even more precious.
With access to only a handful of desktop computers, getting every student the recommended time they needed on DreamBox proved a formidable challenge, one that teachers managed by collaborating with a technology teacher who deftly scheduled precious computer time for each class.
Unlike other material items on this list, time is a precious commodity that middle - class Americans can never get back.
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