Sentences with phrase «precious energy»

Instead of wasting precious energy on what isn't working or what they don't want, they commit to a better future by imagining what they want.
Heavy metals and chemicals interfere with the body's metabolic function, draining you of precious energy.
Rather than spend precious energy moving the needle a tiny bit on the bad grades, spend your time focusing on their strengths — their good grades — where they are clearly succeeding.
As an agent, we know that you put long hours, hard work, and precious energy in order to earn your commission.
If you're getting up in the night to check on a fever, you can rely on the display color rather than spend precious energy reading the number.
Each failed hunt costs precious energy the cat can ill afford to waste.
Having a new rug shipped from halfway around the world uses up precious energy while buying something pre-owned from a local shop or neighbor will have a lower environmental impact in the end.
But don't waste precious energy wishing you had lost weight in your early 20s.
Why did this struggling plant expend so much precious energy on flowers, and why was it wasting so much moisture producing nectar in the midst of summer?
Not all movement (however frantic) is progress or even forward motion and too much trying can sap precious energy, waste critical and scarce resources, and take your eyes off the main chance.
Paying attention to the competition only slows you down because you're taking precious energy away from your thing and throwing it elsewhere along with decreasing your chances of truly operating as your most creative self because you're letting industry norms influence you.
A common rule in taking care of preterm babies is to limit how much they cry, on the theory that crying wastes precious energy better devoted to growing.
Animals with a relatively high metabolic rate for their body size seem to need more non-REM sleep, suggesting that catching extra Zs simply helps them conserve precious energy.
You aren't food - focused: A recent study in Current Biology suggests there's a limit to how many calories we burn through physical activity; after torching more than a moderate amount, our bodies make it hard to let precious energy go.
If the food has not yet been processed, your body will be derailing precious energy to digesting the food, which could otherwise be used toward lifting weights.
How is it that some of us can get along so well, while others of us deplete precious energy during numerous fights and disagreements.
Waging war on yourself is a waste of precious energy.
The body will not waste precious energy and proteins to make proteins that it no longer needs.»
Instead of investing your precious energy into hating or envying your competitors, use it to become the very best entrepreneur you can possibly be.
Because really, what's the point of surrounding yourself with stuff that brings you down and robs you of precious energy?
A healthy snack keeps your metabolism revving along and gives you that precious energy to focus and stay busy and active without losing steam throughout your day.
If you have a tiny one, don't waste your precious energy struggling to stuff diapers that are too big into a cover that doesn't fit correctly.
It also takes much less of a preemie's precious energy to keep a nipple shield in their mouth.
When one becomes a mother I believe we are blessed with a precious energy source.
If you focused on managing this precious energy source by working on your energy level, imagine how much you would accomplish!
The group knew that no matter how efficiently the powertrain brought the car up to speed, precious energy would go up in brake - pad smoke every time the car was slowed.
Declining health and vitality robs you of precious energy to achieve your personal or professional goals.
Like a toddler screaming and kicking her fists because the sky isn't pink, I was wasting precious energy, both emotional and physical — trying to make things happen or not happen — that it would have been more powerful, enjoyable, and beneficial for all if I could have surrendered and let go of my control over the outcome.
You won't be wasting your precious energy thinking about it and then beat yourself up for never doing it.
This year, experience a new way of life where you are in charge and you focus your precious energy on what truly matters to you.
The energy required to ship products into the country wastes precious energy — plus, it doesn't support our country's agriculture.
The extra activity involved in our short, shallow breathing habits is robbing us of precious energy, producing toxic waste products and promoting disease in our bodies.
It will zap you of precious energy and we all now how it can ruin our self confidence!
When it's not functioning properly, your digestive system can literally take you down by sucking up all your precious energy.
Thank you for using your precious energy to provide this update; I am so grateful for your efforts and honesty.
Get mad / overly emotional and waste your precious energy on someone who isn't doing the same for you.
Our brain does not want to use any more of this precious energy.
But how do you minimise reluctance and avoid wasting precious energy?
You're just wasting your precious energy.
I think a drought or anything else that threatens a persons ability to make a living tends to make people pull in and protect themselves using little of their precious energy to worry about others.
Every five years or so, on a not - so - regular basis, an oak tree will decide to stop growing and put its precious energy into acorn production.
Fully catered meals are plentiful and tasty, just the thing to get back some precious energy you burnt throughout the day whilst diving and snorkeling the depths of this world famous coral reef.
I remember distinctively the underwater Dam level and the hellish boss battles which sapped your precious energy.
Male Emperors must conserve energy in order to survive their 4 month winter fast, and tussles with researchers consumed their precious energy.

Phrases with «precious energy»

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