Sentences with phrase «precious few minutes»

Healthcare professionals have a precious few minutes to respond to the scene when someone goes down because of a cardiac arrest.
Existence isn't about futile yammering about your precious few minutes on lines, it's not about what others believe, it is about YOU and how YOU actually understand that you understand NOTHING.
Imagine, standing beside their heroes, watch as they prepare to race, the elite of the elite in motorsport, to be there, alongside them in those precious few minutes just before the start.
Founder and President Heather Maclean explains, «The precious few minutes when my perpetually active toddler will actually sit still on my lap and watch videos with me are the only minutes I can hold, cuddle and kiss on him all day.
With a bottle warmer, there is no need to wait for a few minutes as well to prepare it, precious few minutes that you won't have once your baby starts crying because she is hungry.
Likewise, for a precious few minutes, you are her captive audience, so you can focus on what she's saying and how she is saying it — crucial to the growth of your relationship.
The anesthesiologist had stopped Boesen's breathing for those precious few minutes so the movement of his lungs wouldn't disturb his spinal cord during the procedure.
During the brief episodes when power is available, Zemen is able to watch a precious few minutes of television.
Or worried that you're not taking full advantage of those precious few minutes you have with her?
Even for just a precious few minutes.
He counts the number of times he brushes his teeth, the number of blocks he walks to the bus, the precious few minutes he takes for lunch.
Sinister's «home movies» don't just get the look of super 8 films right — they get the feel of them too, the jagged edges of the cuts, the scrambling to make the most of those precious few minutes of film.
So a parenting book needs to be pretty compelling to justify using those precious few minutes when you're not semi-comatose on the couch.
So, now I will do my best to build a picture of those precious few minutes with Mark and Chris and hope that through my vivid storytelling you, dear reader, will feel as privilege and enlightened as I did.
So you have to get the most out of your resume in those precious few minutes — both in terms of its visual appeal, and its content.
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